Tag: volunteers

Community forums will address needs of older population
Evergreen House, a residence for the independent elderly in Annandale. Fairfax County is planning a series of community forums to gather public input on how to address the needs of a dramatically increasing population of older people. Between 2005 and 2030, the county expects the population of folks 50 and over to increase by 40 … Continued
County grants available for neighborhood improvement projects
A Mason District Little League game at the Bailey’s Community Center. Park benches, trails, pavilions, tot lots, community-building social events: These are the types of projects funded by Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants. Community associations, HOAs, and recreation clubs should definitely consider applying for these Fairfax County grants aimed enhancing the quality of life … Continued

Students honored for achieving IB Middle Years Program certificates
More than 320 high-achieving 10th-graders from Annandale, Mount Vernon, South Lakes, and JEB Stuart high schools were honored at a ceremony May 20 at Stuart for completing the International Baccalaureate Middle Years Program (IBMYP). The Annandale High School Strings Ensemble entertained visitors as they viewed displays of students’ projects. Principals presented certificates to 89 Annandale … Continued
Annandale Bed Race captured on video
What’s it like to ride in a hospital bed as it races down John Marr Drive? Watch Bob Kovacs’ video of highlights from the Annandale Bed Race on Saturday, May 11, and find out: There are 80 videos on Kovacs’ Annandale Arts You Tube channel.

Boy Scouts clean up Annandale cemetery
More than 20 members of Boy Scout Troop 150, along with siblings and parents, helped Michael Paladino with his Eagle Scout project to clean up the graves and fence at the cemetery at the Annandale United Methodist Church (AUMC) on Columbia Pike. Paladino, an eighth-grader at Glasgow Middle School, said the scouts are fixing up … Continued

Annandale teams take part in 9th annual Bed Race
When it was their heat’s turn, the guys from the Metropolitan Washington Airports Authority (above) pulled out some folding chairs, sat down, and popped open their cooler. After all, their bed was decorated like a trailer, and they were dressed up like rednecks. That stunt won them the award for the “most entertaining” team at … Continued

Dominion brings energy to Wakefield Run cleanup in Annandale
By Elizabeth Kirchner In a mid-April downpour, members of Friends of Accotink Creek and 30 Dominion Power employees filled the parking lot of the Audrey Moore RECenter with trucks, rubber boots, and green reflective vests for a cleanup of Wakefield Run. As the rain moved east, Philip Latasa, co-founder of the Friends group, reminded the … Continued

Firehouse Subs donates gear to police and fire departments at Annandale event
Firehouse Subs founder Robin Sorenson (left) with firefighters and police officers at Pinecrest Plaza in Annandale. Firefighters and police officers from Arlington and Falls Church gathered at Firehouse Subs in Pinecrest Plaza, Annandale, April 30 to accept a donation of equipment worth more than $39,000 from the Firehouse Subs Public Safety Foundation. The foundation donated two … Continued

Volunteers fix up Annandale house for mentally ill tenants
The residents of 4553 King Edward Court in Annandale probably wouldn’t have been able to live there if it wasn’t for the assistance provided by the Brain Foundation. All four men are affected by mental illness. They also need help with home repairs and maintenance. So more than 25 volunteers from Temple Rodef Shalom in … Continued

Join the Culmore Cleanup this Saturday
Culmore Cleanup volunteers at last year’s event. Local residents are encouraged to join the 2013 Spring Culmore Cleanup Saturday, 9 a.m.-noon. This semi-annual event has been going on for more than 10 years. It’s a huge collaborative effort that brings together teams from many organizations and companies, as well as individual volunteers, who not only … Continued

Treasure Trove shop celebrates 50 years in Annandale
The Treasure Trove is celebrating its 50th anniversary next weekend with a storewide sale, giveaways, and prize drawings. The consignment/thrift shop, 7010 Columbia Pike in the Annandale Shopping Center, is one of three volunteer-run shops that benefit Inova Fairfax Hospital. Last year, the Treasure Trove raised nearly $300,000 for the hospital, said manager Jodi Shannon, … Continued

An outdoor classroom will enhance learning at Belvedere Elementary School
Stepping stones wind through Belvedere’s new outdoor classroom. Students, teachers, parents, and the community celebrated the completion of an outdoor classroom at Belvedere Elementary School April 12. The school’s courtyard has been transformed into a plaza with tables and chairs surrounded by trees and plantings. “Our goal is to extend academic learning to the … Continued

Volunteers sought for Accotink Creek cleanups
Friends of Accotink Creek hosted a cleanup at Lake Accotink April 6, as part of the annual Potomac Watershed Cleanup. Who wants to take a walk along a local stream and find it full of plastic bottles, tires, shopping cars, and all sorts of junk? Local residents who care about the environment and the quality … Continued

Volunteers clean up Annandale
Volunteers pick up trash in Poe Terrace Park. There’s a lot less litter in Annandale today, thanks to the dozens of volunteers who took part in the annual Annandale Cleanup Saturday morning. Boy Scout Troop 150 based at Annandale United Methodist Church, the Korean American Association of the Washington Metropolitan Area, the Fairfax County Sheriff’s … Continued

Fundraiser will support officer Dinh’s long-term recovery
Fraternal Order of Police Lodge 77 is selling raffle tickets and holding a fundraiser in support of Mason police officer Long “Junior” Dinh, who sustained severe injuries—including multiple broken bones—in a high-speed, head-on crash in Annandale in March while pursuing a suspect. Raffle tickets are $10 for one and $25 for three. Prizes include gift … Continued