Tag: volunteers

Help Friends of Accotink Creek with the International Coastal Cleanup
Accotink Creek near Wakefield Park By Elizabeth Kirchner Friends of Accotink Creek (FAC), a volunteer waterway protection group, invites you to join 152 countries and millions of people around the world in the 2012 month-long International Coastal Cleanup. Starting at Fullerton Bridge on Sept. 15, cleanup crews will work their way upstream along Accotink Creek, … Continued

Bailey’s Rotary Club makes sure students are equipped for school
From the left: Heather Boyd, Rachel Charlton, Karey Starnes, Ben Hester, Elias Markez, Bill Bailey, Tricia Brown, Mary Ann Buckley, Christy Speicher, Nicole Yacubovich, Max Gross, Dave Borowski, Jennifer Rose, and Bob Polson. By Bob Polson The Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads, in partnership with Fairfax-based Our Daily Bread, provided more than 500 backpacks stuffed … Continued

Mason District Government Center and Police Station host Open House
You could win this 1966 Mustang. There won’t be a Mason District Fall Festival this year. Supervisor Penny Gross said, “we can’t afford to run it anymore.” But the Mason District Police Station and Mason District Government Center are inviting the public to a joint Open House Oct. 13, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., 6507 Columbia Pike, … Continued

Support the Stuart HS band on ‘Tag Day’
The J.E.B. Stuart band performs in a competition in 2011. When J.E.B. Stuart High School students come to your door asking for donations for the school’s music programs on “Tag Day,” Sept. 8, please be generous. The school’s award-winning bands, chorus, and orchestra perform throughout the year at home football games, competitions, concerts, and other … Continued
Braddock District explores formation of aging-in-place network
A group of civic leaders in the Braddock District are in the early stages of forming an “aging-in-place” network aimed at providing services to make it easier for senior citizens to stay in their homes. The Aging-in-Place Committee, led by Bruce Wallachy, held its first meeting last week and will meet again Wednesday, Sept. 5, … Continued

FROGS supports Green Spring Gardens
Plant sales support FROGS projects. Green Spring Gardens is one of the nicest parks in the Annandale area—if not the entire region—and for that, we can thank the tireless and generous volunteers in Friends of Green Springs Gardens (FROGS). FROGS raises funds through year-round plant sales, spring and fall garden festivals, dues from its 1,400 … Continued

Annandale man keeps Heritage Drive free of signs and litter
Ed D. on patrol We’ve heard from a lot of people complaining about litter, illegal signs, and other property maintenance failures here in the Annandale area. But there are a few dedicated citizens here who are taking action to clean up their communities. A case in point is “Ed D.,” as he prefers to be … Continued

Computer Core provides skills training leading to a good job
Students in a Computer Core class. For people out of work or struggling to make ends meet with a low-paying, menial job, basic computer skills can lead to a more secure future. That’s the premise of Computer Core, a non-profit organization that provides job skills training to lower-income residents of Northern Virginia. Computer Core … Continued

Local nonprofits flooded with calls from immigrants seeking ‘deferred action’
A volunteer at Just Neighbors helps a client apply for deferred action. Since the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced Aug. 15 that is opening the door a crack to let undocumented youths apply to work here for two years without fear of deportation, the phones have been ringing nonstop at Annandale/Mason-area nonprofit organizations … Continued

Teens from Cyprus here for the summer learn peace begins with friendship
The Cypriot teens at Great Falls. Twenty teenagers from Cyprus are spending a few weeks in the D.C. area this summer, living with host families while they absorb American culture, go on outings, and make new friends. But it’s not just fun and games. The teens are here with the Cyprus Friendship Program, which is … Continued

Registration under way for Northern Virginia Senior Olympics
Cyclists get ready to race at the 2011 Northern Virginia Senior Olympics Got Oympic fever, but think you’re athletic days are over? If you’re 50 or over, you can compete in the 30th Northern Virginia Senior Olympics, Sept. 15-26. There are 40 events, including track and field, tennis, swimming, diving, bowling, table tennis, men’s basketball, … Continued

Garden Club has been making Annandale nicer for 44 years
An edible wedding bouquet. Forty-four years ago a group of residents of the Camelot neighborhood in Annandale started a gardening club. Those members, and their green thumbs, have moved on, but the club, which is part of the National Capital Area Garden Clubs, is still going strong. In addition to helping one another with gardening … Continued

Advocacy group draws attention to exploitation of Vietnamese workers
Jackie Bong-Wright (center in violet), the organizer of the banquet, surrounded by models showcasing international fashions. A gala banquet Sunday night at the Harvest Moon restaurant in Falls Church featured an incredible variety of entertainment—an international fashion show, Vietnamese singing stars, a lively tap dance by a former Ms. Virginia Senior America, and much more. … Continued

Race with Grace Snow Cone Lemonade Stand supports childhood cancer research
Grace and Tucker The Annandale community is invited to the Race with Grace Snow Cone Lemonade Stand Saturday, June 23, at the Broyhill Crest pool. The stand will be at 7212 Early St., Annandale, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., during the season’s first swim meet. The event is hosted by Grace Sprano, a 4-year-old miracle child who … Continued

Dogs XL needs volunteers to help foster large dogs
These Great Dane puppies were rescued by Dogs XL When an extreme animal hoarding situation was discovered in Kentucky in April, many of the larger dogs were saved by a group called Dogs XL Rescue. There were more than 200 animals of all sorts, including many large dogs, such as St. Bernards and Mastiffs, living … Continued