Tag: volunteers

Students at Phillips School bring holiday cheer to those in need
During the month of December, students at Annandale’s Phillips Program for Children and Families participated in several activities to support the community and bring holiday cheer to those in need. Students assembled 50 stockings, filled with toiletries and treats, for the Operation Santa program. The stockings were mailed to Marines serving overseas in Unit 73915. … Continued

Volunteers wrap gifts for the elderly
Annandale area volunteers are brightening up the holidays for the elderly, who can sometimes feel especially isolated and lonely this time of year. More than 110 people attended a huge gift-wrapping party at the Annandale fire station’s Ossian Hall Dec. 13 as part of the sixth annual Be a Santa to a Senior program organized … Continued

‘Santa’s Ride’ brings toys to children at Fairfax Hospital
The 2010 Santa’s Ride The Fairfax County Police Motor Squad is heading up the 2011 Santa’s Ride for Children, an annual toy drive for kids at Fairfax Hospital and for those who might not have a cheerful holiday season without your help. Members of the public are encouraged to donate new, unwrapped toys, games, and … Continued

Attorneys with Just Neighbors help immigrants resolve legal problems
When local immigrants need legal help, Just Neighbors provides a lifeline. The nonprofit organization based in Bailey’s Crossroads was established 15 years ago “in response to the lack of immigrant legal services for the community,” says Executive Director Rob Rutland-Brown. Just Neighbors helps people apply for green cards and other documents they need to stay … Continued

Church members raise produce for the poor at Annandale’s Pine Ridge Park
Volunteers working at the Bo White Gardens Lots of people take advantage of Fairfax County’s community gardens program to grow vegetables for their families. A group of dedicated volunteers from Columbia Baptist Church has taken the concept to another level. They are using a garden plot at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale—along with other gardens—to … Continued

Volunteers clean-up Americana Drive
Sidewalk uncovered on Americana Drive Marsden Last Saturday, Sen. David Marsden, Fairfax County Supervisor John Cook, community members, volunteers from VDOT and Fluor-Transurban, and inmates supervised by the Sheriff’s office took part in a clean-up along Americana Drive in Annandale. Representatives from Dominion Power contributed to the effort earlier in the week. While the crews … Continued

Friends of Accotink Creek seeks new leadership
Sediment from the beltway HOT lanes project is clogging the Accotink watershed The Friends of Accotink Creek (FACC) has been keeping watch on Annandale’s major watershed since 2004, organizing clean-up and monitoring actitivies. The group also educates the public on watershed protection and takes part in environmental advocacy. But now that the founders of the group, … Continued

Local volunteers heading to Haiti on a medical mission
You might not be willing to give up your vacation time to help people in Haiti get needed medical care—as several local residents are doing—but you can support their efforts by contributing money and supplies. The team going on the Nov. 8-14 medical mission to Chantal, Haiti, includes 41 doctors, nurses, dentists, and other … Continued

New volunteer group formed to oversee Mason District Dog Park
The Mason District Dog Park has a new sponsor: A group of dog owners who use the park frequently formed a volunteer organization, the Annandale K9 Community, to take responsibility for working with county officials to maintain the park. The Mason District Dog Park, accessible from Little River Turnpike and Roberts Avenue, is one of seven fenced-in … Continued
Learn how to be an advocate for abused or neglected children
A new case of child abuse or neglect enters the FairfaxCounty Domestic and Juvenile Relations Court system once every 38 hours. These children need dedicated, caring advocates to help ensure that their best interests are represented in court. That’s where Fairfax Court Appointed Special Advocates (CASA) enters the picture. CASA volunteers gather information for the … Continued

Park Board honors Annandale volunteers
Hidden Oaks Nature Center Two of the three recipients of the Fairfax County Park Authority Board’s 2011 Elly Doyle Park Service Awards are based in Annandale—the Friends of Hidden Oaks Nature Center and dog park activist Chris Robichaux. The other award recipients are Charles and Jacque Olin, founders of the Analemma Society, who were instrumental … Continued

Annandale Safe Youth Program honors graduates
Left to right: Judith Dittman, executive director of Alternative House; Andrew House, who received a certificate for being the “Best All-Around Student”; and Fairfax County Board Chair Sharon Bulova. Fairfax County Board Chair Sharon Bulova presented graduation certificates June 13 to students in the Annandale Safe Youth Program. Food for the event was provided by … Continued
Outstanding volunteers named ‘Lord’ and ‘Lady Fairfax’
Congratulations to Frank S. Vjada and Betsy Washington for being named Lord and Lady Fairfax of the Mason District for 2011. It’s been a Fairfax County tradition since 1984 to recognize outstanding citizens for their volunteerism, heroism, or other special accomplishment by designating them “Lord Fairfax” and “Lady Fairfax.” Each member of the Board of … Continued
Annandale Rotary Club aids local nonprofits
The Annandale Rotary Club presented $4,000 in community service grants to five local organizations June 1 to help them continue their good work: Baileys Crossroad Center (Merica House), a homeless shelter for families operated by Volunteers of America. A $1,000 Rotary Club grant will help residents obtain the necessary training and documentation required to find … Continued
Nominations sought for ‘Best of Braddock Awards’
The “Best of Braddock Awards,” a joint initiative of the Braddock District Council of Community Associations and Braddock Supervisor John Cook, recognize citizens, organizations, and businesses that contribute to the welfare or beauty of the community. Categories include: Braddock District Citizen of the Year; Braddock District Young Person of the Year; Neighborhood Enhancement by an … Continued