Tag: volunteers

Community activist Mollie Loeffler lauded as FX CO Citizen of the Year
Loeffler At a banquet last night before a room full of friends and dignitaries, Mason District community leader Mollie Loeffler, accepted an award from the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations as “Fairfax County Citizen of the Year.” Loretta Prencipe, president of the Lincolnia Park Civic Association, introduced Loeffler as “a community builder who inspires people … Continued
Annandale cleans up on April 30
Annandale residents and business owners are encouraged to come out and help clean up Annandale on Saturday, April 30. Annandale Community Clean-Up Day is sponsored by the Annandale-based Korean-American Association of Greater Washington and the Mason and Braddock districts. The goal is “to keep our hometown as clean as we can,” says organizer Helen Winter. Volunteers … Continued
Fairfax County grants support neighborhood improvement projects
Congratulations to the 29 neighborhood and homeowner groups that received 2011 Neighborhood Enhancement Partnership Program (NEPP) grants. The organizations that received grants include these in the Mason District and the greater Annandale area: Broyhill Crest Recreation Club/Broyhill Crest Community Association—Clean Up and Reclamation of Broyhill Crest Lot 10A. Chapel Square West Community Association—Community Parkland Access Staircase. … Continued
Mollie Loeffler of Mason District named Fairfax County Citizen of the Year
The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations has named Mollie Morison-Loeffler, a community leader in the Mason District, the Federation’s 2010 Citizen of the Year. The federation will honor Loeffler at its annual Citizen of the Year banquet, co-sponsored by Science Applications International Corp. (SAIC), at the Tysons Crowne Plaza on Sunday, May 15. “Mollie’s … Continued
Annandale resident gives half his money to charity
Semmler Prof. Richard Semmler teaches mathematics at the Annandale campus of Northern Virginia Community College and lives in a modest apartment in Annandale. Yet he’s given about $1.2 million to charity. Semmler hasn’t won the lottery and he doesn’t have a hidden source of wealth. He has been able to donate half his annual income to … Continued

Annandale agency helps seniors find jobs
Prothero If you’ve tried to find a job in this tough employment market, imagine how much harder it is for older people—who might have outdated skills and no idea how to look for a job on the Internet. A nonprofit organization based in Annandale (4201 John Marr Drive) offers a much-needed hand to help people … Continued

Neighborhood leaders share success stories
Several of the outstanding neighborhood projects profiled Feb. 9 at a forum of the Braddock District Council of Community Associations could easily be adopted by community groups in Annandale. After all, we are all dealing with similar issues—such as the need to maintain common areas and recruit more volunteers. The presenters at the forum, at … Continued
FCPS and Fairfax Chamber jointly create new foundation to support public schools
Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax Chamber of Commerce launched a new foundation Jan. 4 to encourage the community to invest in education. The Foundation for Fairfax County Public Schools will support initiatives that help students acquire 21st century skills, advance the diverse needs of the community, and contribute to the creation of a … Continued

Foster homes needed for Village Drive cats
The 4Paws Rescue Team, a cat rescue operation based in Fairfax County, is trying to find people with a spare room who can foster a cat to relieve the overburdened Fairfax County Animal Shelter. The shelter has taken in over 160 cats from the cat hoarders on Village Drive in Annandale and is now over … Continued
Kory’s Report from Richmond: Budget battles to highlight next legislative session
By Del. Kaye Kory I’m quite certain that Virginia government is not at the top of many people’s’ minds. In the commonwealth, though, this is a busy time for legislators, as we prepare for the upcoming session that begins Jan. 12. Recently, there has been some good news about Virginia’s economy. As you know, there … Continued

After 161 cats taken from her home, Village Drive cat lady is adjusting to a lonelier life
Houdini and Eleanor Eleanor Kaufer is adjusting to a lonelier life after Fairfax County Animal Control shut down the cat rescue operation she and her former roommate, Paula Burns, ran out of her home at 7100 Village Drive, Annandale. Since the cat hoarding story surfaced Nov. 19, the total number of cats reported varied. Washington’s NBC … Continued
Cats removed from Annandale home will be available for adoption
Here’s an update on the cat hoarding case from a former cat rescuer: Fairfax County Animal Control collected 168 cats from 7100 Village Drive, Annandale. Most of the cats were relinquished by the owners. They have been examined by a vet at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter, treated for medical needs, and are being housed … Continued

‘It just sort of crept up on us,’ says Annandale cat hoarder
“It just sort of crept up on us. It’s what we lived for,” says Annandale cat hoarder Eleanor Kaufer about the rescue operation she ran with roommate Paula Burns that eventually led to a house filled with about 180 cats. Fairfax County Animal Control removed the cats (including the one pictured here) from the house at … Continued

Animal shelter seeks donations for 180 cats taken from Annandale cat hoarders
Friends of the Fairfax County Animal Shelter (FFCAS) is in desperate need of donations to help the cats taken from the cat hoarders on Village Drive in Annandale. Fairfax County Animal Control removed cats (including the ones pictured here) from the house at 7100 Village Drive, Annandale, throughout the weekend. According to Animal Control, more than 160 … Continued

Grant will benefit Annandale Safe Youth Project
The Giving Circle of Hope, a Reston-based charity, has selected the Alternative House as one of its 2010 grant recipients. Alternative House will use its $5,000 grant to support the Annandale Safe Youth Project, which provides an after-school program to disadvantaged fourth and fifth-graders—along with homework help, community service opportunities, counseling, food, and enrichment activities—at … Continued