Tag: volunteers

American Legion post is key part of Annandale community
More than shops and neighborhoods, it’s the service organizations that bring people together for friendship and good works that truly make Annandale a truly special community. Take the Annandale American Legion post, for example. “We’re very much connected to the community,” says Marv Rodney, former post commander and chair of the Americanism and public relations committees … Continued
Fairfax County gearing up to protect the homeless this winter
With cold weather on the way, Fairfax County is making an effort to protect the homeless from hypothermia this winter, said Dean Klein, director of the county’s Office to Prevent and End Homelessness, at an online chat session this afternoon. In addition to the winter capacity available at the county’s year-round homeless shelters, there are … Continued
County honors library volunteer John Mayer
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors presented the 2010 Barbara Varon Volunteer Award to John Mayer during its Oct. 19 meeting in recognition for his extraordinary service as a volunteer at the George Mason Regional Library. Since 2007, Mayer has spent more than 440 hours at the volunteering in different capacities. He has taught people … Continued
Volunteers sought to clean up Annandale’s Pine Ridge Park
Volunteers are needed this Saturday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m., to help Fairfax ReLeaf clean up the wooded area at Pine Ridge Park in Annandale. Volunteers will pull invasive plants and remove debris to clear the way for native species and future reforestation of the park, located at 3401 Woodburn Road. This project is part of VolunteerFest, … Continued
Annandale facility seeks volunteers for a clinical trail on an HIV vaccine
The Clinical Alliance for Research and Evaluation—Infectious Diseases (CARE-ID), a research facility at 3289 Woodburn Road, Annandale, is seeking volunteers to take part in a clinical trial on an HIV vaccine. CARE-ID is one of 20 facilities in the United States participating in HVTN 505 study to determine the effectiveness of a vaccine that has shown … Continued
Poe students washing cars tomorrow to raise funds for the band
Time to get that pollen and dust off your car? The Poe Middle School Band Parents Association is sponsoring a car wash tomorrow, Sept. 25, 10 a.m.–1 p.m. at two locations in Annandale: Annandale Sunoco, 7638 Little River Turnpike, next to the 7-Eleven at the Hummer Road intersection; and Ravensorth Sunoco, 8100 Braddock Road, Springfield, … Continued

Annandale Safe Youth Project: a haven for children
For children with family, behavior, or school issues, the Annandale Safe Youth Project offers a life line. When C. came to the Annandale Safe Youth Project five years ago, his mother had moved out of town, he was adjusting to life with his dad, and was struggling in school, says staff member Antonia Arias. “He … Continued
Volunteers needed for Annandale Neighborhood Food Progam
The Annandale Neighborhood Food Program needs more volunteers to help distribute food to the needy. The food program is open every Thursday evening at the Immanuel United Methodist Church, 7900 Heritage Drive, Annandale, near the H Mart. The program is not a church program, however; it is open to everyone in the community who needs … Continued
Annandale HS students raise money for Somali schools
Kudos to Annandale High School students Bashir Warsame and Sahnun Mohamud for creating a foundation to help the children of Somalia. A recent report on the teens on News Channel 8 explains their plan to raise money for educational equipment, like laptops and projectors, for Somali schools. They hope that improved opportunities for education will … Continued
Annandale’s Phillips School recognized for excellence in management
Congratulations to the Annandale-based Phillips Programs for Children and Families for winning the Washington Post 2010 Award for Excellence in Nonprofit Management. Phillips serves the needs of individuals with emotional and behavioral problems and their families throughout the region. It operates two schools, one in Annandale (7010 Braddock Road) and one in Laurel, Md., for … Continued

Broyhill Crest Pool dedicates ‘Kathy’s Korner’
The snack bar at the Broyhill Crest Recreation Club is now known as Kathy’s Korner, in recognition of Kathy Naghdi, a long time community member and volunteer who did more than just about anyone to make the neighborhood pool safe, caring, friendly, and financially successful. Ever since Kathy died suddenly last November, her friends and … Continued

Kiwanis members fix up Nature Playce at Hidden Oaks
ature Playce, the outdoor play area at the Hidden Oaks Nature Center, is a lot nicer, thanks to the efforts of the Kiwanis Club of Annandale. About 25 members of the volunteer service organization spent several hours this morning repairing the fence and doing other work. They replaced more than 120 rotting fence rails, fixed … Continued