Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

American Legion post is key part of Annandale community

More than shops and neighborhoods, it’s the service organizations that bring people together for friendship and good works that truly make Annandale a truly special community. Take the Annandale American Legion post, for example. “We’re very much connected to the community,” says Marv Rodney, former post commander and chair of the Americanism and public relations committees … Continued

County honors library volunteer John Mayer

The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors presented the 2010 Barbara Varon Volunteer Award to John Mayer during its Oct. 19 meeting in recognition for his extraordinary service as a volunteer at the George Mason Regional Library. Since 2007, Mayer has spent more than 440 hours at the volunteering in different capacities. He has taught people … Continued

Annandale HS students raise money for Somali schools

Kudos to Annandale High School students Bashir Warsame and Sahnun Mohamud for creating a foundation to help the children of Somalia. A recent report on the teens on News Channel 8 explains their plan to raise money for educational equipment, like laptops and projectors, for Somali schools. They hope that improved opportunities for education will … Continued