Tag: Walkinshaw

Task force would reconsider the recommendation to not dredge Lake Accotink
Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw, Franconia Supervisor Rodney Lusk, and Board Chair Jeffrey McKay will ask the board to form a task force on the future of Lake Accotink. The task force would “review the existing studies, analyses, and recommendations, participate in a detailed study of the managed wetland option, and explore the possibility of a … Continued

Walkinshaw launches re-election campaign
At his re-election campaign launch Feb. 26, Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw acknowledged the challenge of saving Lake Accotink and said, “I still want to find a way to move forward.” “When I was elected [in 2019], I thought we had a plan to save Lake Accotink at a cost of $30 million,” Walkinshaw told a … Continued

Mary Read Memorial relocated
The Mary Read Memorial in Canterbury Woods Park in Annandale has been relocated, Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw announced. The memorial honors former Annandale resident Mary Read, one of 32 people killed during the massacre at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007. The community came together in the years following the tragedy to build a … Continued

New DMV center planned for Braddock Road
An illustration of the new DMV center planned for Braddock Road. The Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles is planning to build a new DMV Customer Service Center at 9911 Braddock Road in Fairfax, Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw announced. The structure will replace a facility currently used for motorcycle training. The DMV purchased the property in … Continued

Town Hall on COVID-19 vaccination strategy next week
The community is invited to a COVID-19 Town Hall hosted by Supervisor James Walkinshaw (Braddock), on Feb. 22, 7 p.m. Dr. Gloria Addo-Ayensu, director of the Fairfax County Department of Health, will discuss the county’s vaccine rollout and vaccination distribution strategy.

Glass recycling bin installed at Wakefield Park, thanks to Girl Scout lobbying effort
The glass recycling bin at the Mason Government Center. Wakefield Park in Annandale now has a purple bin for recycled glass, and Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw credits the advocacy efforts of Girl Scout Troop 120. “In early March, I attended a meeting of the North Springfield Civic Association and was greeted by one of the … Continued

New Braddock supervisor outlines priorities
James Walkinshaw speaks at a Braddock District Council meeting. A top priority for James Walkinshaw, the newly installed Braddock representative on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors, is getting the state government to contribute more money to the county. As chair of the board’s Legislative Committee, Walkinshaw told the Braddock District Council (BDC) Jan. 8, … Continued

Incoming supervisor James Walkinshaw to focus on constituent relations
Incoming Braddock Supervisor James Walkinshaw (second from left) and his chief of staff Frank Anderson (left) with local residents at the Taste of Braddock. Scores of Braddock District residents turned out for the annual Taste of Braddock Dec. 18 to sample food from some 40 restaurants, bid farewell to outgoing Braddock Supervisor John Cook, and … Continued