Tag: water

Ravensworth water main to be replaced
Fairfax Water plans to replace the water main under Ravensworth Road in Annandale, beginning in mid-August. The project will roughly extend from St. Michael’s Lane to Brook Hills Drive. During construction, Fairfax Water will maintain traffic flow and ensure affected residents have access to their driveways. There might be temporary lane closures and parking restrictions. … Continued

Huge data center could threaten water supply
Why should Mason District residents be concerned about a massive data center proposed for Chantilly? Because it has the potential for damaging water and air quality throughout the county. Penzance, a D.C.-based developer, is proposing a 402,000-square-foot, 100-foot tall data center off Route 50 in a resource protection area adjacent to the Cub Run Stream … Continued

Sleepy Hollow Road projects underway
Sleepy Hollow Road has become a construction zone as five big public works projects are underway. Work has started on the $6 million Sleepy Hollow Walkways Project, which entails constructing 4,500 linear feet of concrete sidewalks, 690 square yards of curb ramps, and 206 linear feet of retaining wall. The new sidewalks will fill in … Continued

Fairfax Water to begin flushing fire hydrants
If your tap water tastes like chlorine, don’t worry, says Fairfax Water. It doesn’t affect the quality of the water. Fairfax Water will soon begin flushing its water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time. This is done every year to maintain water quality. During … Continued

Fairfax Water proposes rate increases
Members of the public will have a chance to tell Fairfax Water what they think of the proposed rate increases at a public hearing on Thursday, Dec. 15. The hearing will be held at Fairfax Water’s office at 8570 Executive Park Ave. in Merrifield. It starts at 6:30 p.m. If you want to speak at … Continued

Annandale resident raises funds for water project in African village
Annandale resident Lassine Doumbia is one of the few people from a remote village in the West African nation of Mali to emigrate to the U.S. and find success working for the federal government. Rather than simply focus on creating a new life here, he has been working tirelessly on making life better for the … Continued

Fairfax Water is opening hydrants to flush water mains
Fairfax Water will be flushing its water mains by opening fire hydrants and allowing them to flow freely for a short period of time, starting May 21. This is done every spring to maintain the high quality of water in the system, Fairfax Water says. The work should be finished in May or June. At … Continued
Water mains to be replaced on Annandale Road
An eroded water pipe. [Fairfax Water] Traffic on Annandale Road will be disrupted later this fall as Fairfax Water replaces aging water mains under two sections of the road. The project involves 2,800 feet of pipes between Graham Road/Hickory Hill Road and Wayne Road/Slade Run Drive and between Kerns Road and Barrett Road.

Fairfax Water plans new pump station on Sleepy Hollow Road
An illustration of the new pump station slated for Sleepy Hollow Road. [Fairfax Water] Fairfax Water is planning a new pump station for drinking water at 2959 Sleepy Hollow Road next to the Seven Corners fire station. There’s a single-family house on the property that had been used as a dentist’s office. Fairfax Water intends … Continued

Toxic chemicals found in Annandale drinking water
According to the D.C.-based Environmental Working Group (EWG), Annandale zip code 22003 has the highest levels of toxic PFAS (per- and polyfluorakyl) chemicals in Fairfax County The EWG tested tap water at 19 locations in Northern Virginia at private residences, commercial establishments, and parks.

COVID fund provides relief for water bills
People hard-hit economically by the coronavirus pandemic can apply for a break on their water bill. Fairfax Water is working with Fairfax County to administer funds from the commonwealth of Virginia’s COVID-19 Municipal Utility Relief Program. Eligible customers will need to apply for this relief program by Dec. 30. To qualify, you must meet certain … Continued

Salt on roads harms waterways
With wintry weather predicted for Wednesday, it’s a good time to think about the ecological damage caused by using salt on icy roads and driveways. The Virginia Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) will introduce a new a Salt Management Strategy Toolkit at a public meeting next month with resources and recommendations for best practices to reduce … Continued

Water main project will affect traffic on Route 7
This section of Leesburg Pike will be affected by a water main project. Get ready for some disruption on Leesburg Pike, as Fairfax Water begins replacing water mains in Bailey’s Crossroads between Columbia Pike and Dawes Avenue on the Alexandria border. During construction, traffic will be maintained in both directions on Leesburg Pike (Route 7) … Continued

Winter road salt pollutes waterways
VDOT crews use salt and plows to clear know off roads. [VDOT] Before the first snowstorm of the season hits, the public is urged to think twice about stocking up on road salt. Salt dumped on roads, sidewalks, and driveways to melt snow and ice seeps into waterways. Too much salt in streams can kill … Continued

Board of Supervisors rejects house proposed for area subject to flooding
4104 Woodlark Drive The Board of Supervisors upheld a decision by the Chesapeake Bay Preservation Ordinance Exception Review Committee (ERC) in December to deny an application for a house to be built in a Resource Protection Area (RPA). The house was proposed for a vacant lot at 4104 Woodlark Drive in Annandale. The applicant, Sheila … Continued