Tag: zoning
Affordable housing advocates promoting residential studio units
Community leaders oppose studio units in single-family neighborhoods already plagued by overcrowded houses. Discussions here about Fairfax County’s proposal for a new zoning category to allow “residential studio units” (RSUs) have mainly focused on the potentially deleterious effect on stable residential neighborhoods. Yet there’s another side to the issue. Advocates for affordable housing have been … Continued
Efficiency units could destabilze neighborhoods, community leaders warn
A tiny studio apartment in San Francisco. [Photo from USA Today.] Civic association leaders are concerned that a Fairfax County proposal to create a new zoning category allowing tiny efficiency apartments could destroy the character of older, residential neighborhoods, especially in places like the Annandale/Mason area where overcrowding is already a problem. The Fairfax County … Continued
FXCO Board of Supervisors sets hearing on Parklawn cell tower
A sign at the entrance to the Parklawn Pool advertises a Board of Supervisors hearing on the cell tower. After the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals rejected an application for a special permit exception to allow a cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Pool, people who live closed to the proposed site … Continued
Fairfax County to consider allowing tiny studio apartments
An example of a residential studio apartment from a video by USA Today. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors agreed last week to consider a new zoning category to allow tiny apartments, known as “residential studio units.” These single-person units, with about 500 square feet, would be aimed at lower-income people, including the elderly, students, … Continued
Fairfax County zoning board rejects cell tower at Parklawn pool
The Board of Zoning Appeals [Photo is from a video by Channel 16] In a huge victory for residents who live next to a proposed cell tower at the Parklawn Recreation Association, the Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) voted July 31 to deny a special permit for the cell tower. That means the … Continued
Board of Zoning Appeals delays decision on Parklawn cell tower
A cell tower in Gilbert’s Corner, Va., with a graduated paint scheme like the one proposed for the Parklawn pool. The Fairfax County Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA) heard the rezoning request to allow construction of a cell tower on property owned by the Parklawn Recreation Association (PRA) July 17 but deferred a decision until … Continued
Board of Supervisors approves Fairfax Forward land use process
Board hearings take place in the Fairfax County Government Center. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved a new, more comprehensive process for reviewing and making changes in the county’s land use plan. The new system, known as Fairfax Forward, replaces the current Area Plans Review (APR) system for updating the county’s Comprehensive Plan. Fairfax … Continued
Gross agrees to strengthen community input on land use issues
In advance of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors’ hearing on Fairfax Forward next week, representatives of the Mason District Council of Community Associations (MDC) met with Mason Supervisor Penny Gross to express their concerns with potential changes to how land use decisions are made. Fairfax Forward revises the procedures for updating the county’s Comprehensive … Continued
Mason land use committee endorses adult daycare center on Lincolnia Road
The proposed facade of the Agape Center, facing Lincolnia Road. The Mason District Land Use Committee voted June 25 to recommend the Fairfax County Planning Commission approve a proposal by Agape Health Management Inc. for an adult daycare center on Lincolnia Road. The Planning Commission has scheduled a public hearing for July 18 on Agape’s … Continued
Sugg’s yard sales resume on Braddock Road
Shoppers checking out the merchandise at 4508 Braddock Road. After going away for a few months, the infamous Braddock Road yard sales are back. Yesterday morning, Michael Suggs and several of his assistants were selling washing machines, rugs, furniture, boom boxes, and other merchandise on the front yard of 4508 Braddock Road. There have been … Continued
More citizen involvement urged in Fairfax County planning process
Fifteen houses are being built on this property on Backlick Road in Annandale, despite neighborhood opposition. The new Fairfax County land use planning process known as Fairfax Forward could lead to more strategic thinking about development, but only if the plan is revised to strengthen provisions on citizen involvement. That’s the view of Providence District … Continued
More regulations sought for donation boxes cluttering Annandale
A Planet Aid donation box on the edge of the bowling alley parking lot on Markham Street in central Annandale. The easiest way to recycle old, damaged or out-of-style clothes is to toss them into one of the dozens of clothing donation boxes all over Annandale. You’ll be keeping them out of landfills, and in … Continued
Mason Land Use Committee defers action on Peace Valley Lane infill project
The Peace Valley Lane site, with Ravenwood Park houses in the background. People who live near a proposed infill development on Peace Valley Lane in Seven Corners are cautiously optimistic after a Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) meeting March 26. Will Collins of the Concordia development company is requesting a 1.89-acre site … Continued
Mason land use committee reviews Parklawn cell tower proposal
A “balloon test” shows the height of the tower. The large meeting room at the Mason District Government Center was packed Feb. 26, as supporters and opponents of a proposed cell tower at the Parklawn Pool made their case before the Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC). AT&T is requesting a special exception amendment to … Continued
Police explain vehicle-related violations at Mason District meeting
An illegal car sale in Mason District. If your neighborhood is cluttered with junk vehicles or commercial trucks, Fairfax County police officers explained what they can do about it at a Jan. 26 meeting convened by Mason Supervisor Penny Gross for the heads of civic and homeowner associations. It could take a long time before … Continued