Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Property maintenance is huge issue in Annandale

4021 Oxford St., Annandale, was cited for multiple occupancy and multiple dwelling violations in fall 2011. The problems have been resolved. Residents of Annandale and the Mason District area are becoming increasingly unhappy about the lack of property maintenance—and are growing frustrated at county officials’ failure to act quickly enough. Among the problems cited by … Continued

Mason community associations oppose PDH zoning

The Mason District Council of Community Associations last night unanimously approved a resolution that had been passed by the Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations in December urging the Board of Supervisors to deny requests for re-zoning from residential to P-type zoning for infill developments. P-type zoning includes the PDH (planned development housing) category, which … Continued