Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

FXCO Planning Commission delays vote on infill developments

The Campbell and Ferrara property The Fairfax County Planning Commission again delayed action on proposed infill developments on the Peace Valley Lane and Campbell and Ferrara properties. Both proposals are bitterly opposed by the affected community associations. The commission approved a request by Janet Hall, the planning commissioner representing the Mason District, to defer a … Continued

Mason land use committee sides with residents’ concerns on infill development

The revised plan for the Campbell and Ferrera property The people spoke and the Mason District Land Use Committee (MDLUC) listened. After dozens of people offered impassioned pleas to reject infill development and protect the character of established neighborhoods, the committee agreed Feb. 28 not to urge the Fairfax County Planning Commission to approve proposals for higher-density … Continued

Civic associations join forces to oppose infill housing

Neighborhood leaders pack a meeting room at Peace Lutheran Church in Lincolnia to learn strategies for fighting infill development Bring crowds of supporters to hearings; do extensive research; analyze the impact on storm water controls; try to get media coverage: These are some of the tactics civic association leaders advised one another as they battle infill housing … Continued

FXCO Federation opposes rezoning to allow more infill development

The Cornejo property viewed from across Backlick Road The Fairfax County Federation of Citizens Associations approved a resolution Dec. 15 urging the Board of Supervisors to deny requests for re-zoning from R to P-type zoning for infill projects. This is the situation going on with the Cornejo property in Annandale, which is opposed by Wilburdale … Continued

Fairfax County officials educate community leaders on property violations

A basement unit Neighborhood leaders concerned with unsafe and unsightly homes in their communities learned about Fairfax County efforts to address these problems at a session hosted by Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross Feb. 27 at the Mason District Government Center. Most of the complaints she receives have to do with overcrowding, Rachael Perrot of … Continued