The Police Department invites youths to become Public Safety Cadets

Teens interested in law enforcement careers are invited to apply for the Fairfax County Police Department’s Public Safety Cadets program.
Students and family members can learn more at a “First Nighter” informational meeting hosted by Unit 505 at Annandale High School (4700 Medford Drive) on Monday, Sept. 11, at 7 p.m.
The program is open to students 14-20 years old and in the ninth grade or above.
Cadets get an inside look at the criminal justice system, take part in basic law enforcement training, and develop leadership skills. They get hands-on experience through practical exercises with sworn FCPD officers who serve as mentors.
To participate in the program, students must submit an application and a recommendation form; pass a background investigation; maintain a GPA of at least 2.0; have no criminal convictions or serious traffic offenses; abstain from using drugs, alcohol, and tobacco; and “be of good moral character.”
Cadets are expected to attend weekly meetings on Monday evenings and assist with community events at least once every 45 days. Dues are $50 a year but scholarships are available based on need.
The FCPD was the first police department in the nation to be granted a charter to operate units of the national Public Safety Cadets organization.
Unit 505, based at Annandale High School, is one of three Public Safety Cadets groups in the county. The others are at the Fairfax County Criminal Justice Academy and West Potomac High School.