The Taste of Annandale is this Saturday

The 2024 Taste of Annandale promises to be the biggest and best one yet.
The street festival is just two days away – Saturday, Sept. 21, 10:30 a.m.-6 p.m. – at the Eileen Garnett Civic Space, 7200 Columbia Pike, between the fire station and the ACCA Child Development Center. There is no charge to attend.
If you’re planning to come – and we’re hoping for a big turnout – here’s what you need to know.
Road closure – Columbia Pike will be closed for the Taste of Annandale 5K between the K Market, where the race starts and ends, and Mason District Park, 9-11 a.m.
A section of Columbia Pike in front of the ACCA Child Development Center will be closed during the Taste of Annandale, beginning at 10:30, to ensure safety for pedestrians crossing the street.
Parking – People with handicap stickers can park in the lot on the left side of the ACCA building.
Everyone else can park wherever you can find a space that doesn’t have a no-parking sign. Parking should be available at Giant, the K Market shopping center, United Baptist Church on Columbia Pike, and on the street. The Eileen Garnett Civic Space is accessible to pedestrians from Daniels Avenue, as well as Columbia Pike.
Restrooms – The restrooms inside the fire department’s social hall have been reserved for Taste of Annandale attendees.
5K Race – Register for the 5K Race online or on site at 4239 John Marr Drive by 9 a.m. The race starts at 9:30. The 5K sponsor, RAMP Optimal Performance & Wellness, will lead warmups before the race and will present medals to the winners.
Vendors – If you’re a vendor, you’ll receive detailed instructions later today. You can enter the parking lot on the left side of the fire station to unload your equipment. That lot will be closed before the Taste of Annandale officially opens at 10:30.
Food trucks and food vendors will be located in the fire department parking lot. Sponsors will be along the front of the ACCA building.
Non-food vendors will be set up along the sidewalk surrounding the lawn at the Eileen Garnett Civic Space. We’re having a mix of local businesses, nonprofits, advocacy organizations, entrepreneurs, and crafters. Community Art For Everyone is hosting a community art project in the center of the lawn area.
The Park Authority is bringing its Wonder Wagon with nature exhibits.
Voter registration – If you haven’t registered to vote yet, you can do so at the League of Women Voters table.
Volunteers – People who signed up to volunteer with the 5K should meet at the race starting point at the K Market parking lot, at 4239 John Marr Drive, at 7:45-8 a.m.
For other volunteers, there will be a volunteer check-in table next to the stage.
Special thanks to Scout Troop 150 for installing a temporary fence around the garden.
Pets – Dogs on a leash are welcome at the Taste of Annandale. In fact, dogs (and other pets) are encouraged to enter the Pet Parade and Pet Contest, which is scheduled for 2 p.m.
Teen Zone – New this year: Students from Annandale High School and Thomas Jefferson High School for Science and Technology and hosting lawn games and crafts for youths and teens on the hill behind the fire station, 12-4 p.m.
Entertainment – This is a preliminary schedule for the stage and is subject to change:
10:30 a.m. – Vietnamese martial arts by Ka’s Karate
10:50 a.m. – Remarks by Mason Supervisor Andres Jimenez
10:55 a.m. – Potomac Harmony Chorus
11:25 – AnPhoGettable – Vietnamese fan dance
11:30 a.m. – Bboys – breakdance/comedy
12 p.m. – Board of Supervisors Chair Jeff McKay
12:05 p.m. – Lion dance
12:25 p.m. – Del. Vivian Watts
12:30 p.m. – Fidgety Feet
1:10 p.m. – Students from the Internation Dance studio
1:35 – Korean Taekwondo
2 p.m. – Pet parade and costume contest
2:30 – Orlando Azteca, singer
3 p.m. – Chili cookoff winner announced
3:05 p.m. – Korean street dance, JUB Korean Culture Center
3:25 p.m. – K-pop dance team from Westfield High School
3:30 p.m. – Indonesian dance group
3:50 p.m. – International Dance
4:15 p.m. – Bolivian dance group
4:30 p.m. – Bboys
5 p.m. – King Bees rock group
Food and drink – There will be grilled squid, empanadas, bamboo sticky rice, arepas, pizza, smoothies, mango sticky rice, lobster rolls, potstickers, chicken skewers, ice cream, and much, much more.
The beer vendor, Commonwealth Brewing Co., is providing two IPAs, one lager, and a hard cider.
There will be some seating for dining, but you might want to enjoy a picnic on the lawn.
Children’s program – The ACCA Child Care Center is hosting performances and activities for children 10:30 a.m.-4 p.m. at the playground on the left side of the ACCA building.
Master Teaching Artist Maria Tripodi with the Wolf Trap Foundation for the Performing Arts will present a bilingual show on the theme “How We Grow.” Marsha & the Positrons will perform, and the Paw Patrol will be on hand (or paw), too.
In addition to the usual activities, like face painting, there will be several STEM-related activities, including a 3D construction project, microscopic exploration, panning for gold, electric slime, small catapults, giant foam blocks, and Home Depot crafts.
Chili Cookoff – The Annandale Volunteer Fire Department and the Mason Police District will be cooking up some chili for attendees to try and vote for the best one. The winner gets a huge trophy.
Sponsors – The Annandale-Mason Roundtable appreciates all our sponsors for making the Taste of Annandale possible – especially our Platinum sponsors: Scarlet Haven Residential Services, Westminster School, and Virginia Players.
Drop by the Annandale Today table to enter a random drawing. To enter, fill out a one-page survey. There will be two prizes – a set of quiet pickleball paddles from Diadem Sports and a collection of imported snacks from Annandale businesses.
Looking forward to POTOMC HARMONY CHORUS at 10:55!