Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

The top 10 blog posts in 2015

The most popular blog posts during the past year were about the Mason supervisor election, the Department of Motor Vehicles’ plan to open a customer service center in the Barcroft Plaza shopping center, redevelopment plans, and a snake (but not the good-natured Annandale Anaconda).

Here are the top 10 posts of 2015, in order of popularity:

  1. Mollie Loeffler running for Mason supervisor, April 6.
  2. Local resident bitten by copperhead, May 26. 
  3. DMV coming to Barcroft Plaza, Oct. 30.
  4. Board of Supervisors approves Bailey’s Crossroads redevelopment plan, Jan. 14.  
  5. Residents blast DMV for relocating facility to Barcroft Plaza, Dec. 4
  6. A happy ending for trashed house donated to Habitat for Humanity, Sept. 18.
  7. Swanson to challenge Gross in Democratic primary, March 2. 
  8. Penny Gros appointed principal of Stuart High School, April 1.
  9. Redevelopment under consideration for Annandale Kmart, Jan. 28. 
  10. Mason voters re-elect Penny Gross to Board of Supervisors, Nov. 4.

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