Toy drive supports needy students at Bailey’s Elementary School

Every year, the Bailey’s Elementary School community provides toys and grocery gift cards to the neediest students before the winter break.
In the past, Bailey’s has been fortunate to receive donations from the Toys for Tots program, but that organization stopped helping Bailey’s last year, so the school is reaching out to the surrounding community, says Margaret Trenholm, school counselor.
Bailey’s used to be able to assist 30 to 150 families during the holidays, but Trenholm doesn’t think that goal will be met this year. “If we don’t receive donations, I will have to start calling families and tell them we can’t help,” she says.
Members of the public are encouraged to drop off one unwrapped gift for a child in preschool through fifth grade by Dec. 13. There is a collection box in the front of the school, or gifts can be dropped off at any of the counselors’ offices.
The wish list includes simple board games (like Candyland, Trouble, or Jenga, for example), arts and craft supplies, books in English or Spanish, Play-Doh, Legos, toy cars, footballs, soccer balls, Nerf sports games, baby dolls, princess items, stuffed animals, and marble games.
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