Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Two firefighters injured at Hummer Road house fire

Two firefighters were injured as they battled a house fire at 3905 Hummer Road in Annandale this afternoon. Hummer Road was blocked for hours and smoke filled the air.

There was significant damage to the house, says Fairfax Fire and Rescue spokesperson Capt. Jason Jenkins.

Two firefighters suffered non-life-threatening injuries and were transported to the hospital, he said.

Three adults lived at the house; one was outside the house when the fire started, about 3 p.m.; two others were not home.

As of 6 p.m., Jenkins says, Firefighters are still putting out hot spots. Multiplie fire investigators are on the scene waiting for a chance to get inside and determine the cause of the fire.

About 50 firefighters were involved in the incident, from as far as Franconia, Fairfax city, and Bailey’s Crossroads, as well as Annandale. Hummer Road is still blocked off [at 6 p.m.] and will be for some time, Jenkins says.

One response to “Two firefighters injured at Hummer Road house fire

  1. Updated information from investigators at the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department: The fire was accidental and was caused by an outside electrical panel. Damage is estimated at $225,000.

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