Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Virginia Republicans select candidates for November ballot


The Republican Party of Virginia selected an extremist, Tea Party slate of candidates for statewide offices May 18. In a surprising move, delegates to the GOP Convention in Richmond chose Bishop E.W. Jackson from Chesapeake, Va., as candidate for lieutenant governor over several better-known politicians.

Jackson was elected on the fourth ballot, beating six others for the nomination. Jeannemarie Davis of Fairfax, considered more of a moderate than the others, was knocked out in the first round. Prince William County Board of Supervisors chair Corey Stewart was eliminated in the third round, and Pete Snyder, a technology entrepreneur in Fairfax, lost in the final round.

With only about 8,000 delegates voting at the convention, it seems unlikely Jackson would have secured the nomination if the Republicans had held a statewide primary instead. Among the comments attributed to Jackson: “Planned Parenthood has been far more lethal to black lives than the KKK ever was.” “Democrats have an agenda worthy of the Antichrist.” Gay people are “perverted.”

The Democratic candidate for lieutenant governor will be selected in a primary June 11. Two people are running: Aneesh Chopra of Arlington, former chief technology officer in the Obama administration, and Ralph Northam, a physician representing the Norfolk area in the state Senate.

For attorney general, the Republican delegates nominated state Sen. Mark Obenshain of Harrisonburg, the more extreme candidate, over Del. Rob Bell of Albemarle County. Obenshain will go up against whoever wins the Democratic primary: state Sen. Mark Herring, whose district includes parts of Loudoun and Fairfax counties, or Justin Fairfax of Fairfax County, a former federal prosecutor.

The candidates for governor on the November ballot will be Republican Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli, and Terry McAuliffe, an entrepreneur and former chair of the Democratic Party.  Cuccinelli has garnered national attention for his attempts to ban birth
control, roll back womens rights, and harass a UVA scientist
researching climate change.

3 responses to “Virginia Republicans select candidates for November ballot

  1. As usual this state is in the backwaters of civilization.

    These candidates have no vision except to go backwards. Terry offers some hope.

    I suspect Jefferson who helped build this democracy and made VA a shining star is turning over in his grave so much he must be dizzy.

  2. Wow, only been visiting this blog for a few months but never realized such one-sided views were acceptable here. Will not be patronizing this blog with anymore hits. Goodbye.

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