Volunteers needed for the Taste of Annandale

The Taste of Annandale needs volunteers to keep things running smoothly.
The Taste is a family-friendly street festival on April 29, 10 a.m.-4 p.m., on Tom Davis Drive.
Volunteers are needed to help out at the 5K Race to check in runners at 9 a.m. and otherwise help keep the runners on track.
We also need people to help with the entertainment, to make sure any problems with the vendors are dealt with as soon as possible, to help out with the children’s programming. and provide general help where needed.
Performances, crafts, and other activities for children will be at the ACCA Child Development Center, across the street from the main action at the Taste of Annandale. Parents are expected to be with their children.
For high school students, volunteering at the Taste of Annandale is a good way to earn some community service hours.
Police officers are providing security and traffic control.
If you can volunteer, please send an email to Hadyn Kihm, Hadyn.kihm@fairfaxcounty.gov, with the following information:
- Name
- Phone number
- Location preference:
* Volunteer at the 5K, 9-11 a.m.
* Volunteer at the festival
* Volunteer at the ACCA Child Development Center
- Time preference:
* 10 a.m.-noon
* Noon-1 p.m.
* 1-2 p.m.
* 2-4 p.m.