Walgreens bus offers free health screenings June 14

The new Walgreens at 4300 Backlick Road,
Annandale, is hosting free health screenings June 14, 9 a.m.-3 p.m.
The Walgreens Wellness Bus, a partnership of
Walgreens and the National Urban League, will be in the parking lot 9 a.m.-3
p.m., offering screenings for cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and
comprehensive weight assessment, says James Lagasca, the store’s pharmacy
manager. Pharmacists will be on-hand to answer medication-related questions.
Walgreens and the National Urban League, will be in the parking lot 9 a.m.-3
p.m., offering screenings for cholesterol, glucose, blood pressure, and
comprehensive weight assessment, says James Lagasca, the store’s pharmacy
manager. Pharmacists will be on-hand to answer medication-related questions.