Work to start imminently on Bailey’s Crossroads shopping center
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This house on Charles Street will be demolished. |
Work on the Shops at Bailey’s Crossroads, the retail center on Leesburg Pike between Charles Street and Washington Drive, is starting imminently, Peter Batten of Spectrum Development told nearby residents at a community meeting July 12.
The project consists of two buildings: a CVS drugstore with a drive-through pharmacy and a separate building with five tenants. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors had approved the retail development in January 2016.
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All these trees on the site will be removed. |
Four tenants already signed on include Burger7 (B7), with locations in Alexandria, Arlington, and Tysons Corner; Pita Pouch, with locations in Falls Church and Tysons Corner; Sardi’s Pollo A La Brasa, with nine locations in Maryland and one in Pennsylvania; and T-Mobile. That building will have outdoor patio space.
Spectrum contracted with Balfour Beatty Construction to demolish the three existing structures on the property, prepare the site, provide a pad for the CVS, construct a shell for the other building, install the parking lot and landscaping, and put in a brick wall separating the rear of the retail center from the single-family homes in the adjacent Courtland Park community.
Demolition is expected to start on July 14, said Alan Wahlstrom of Balfour Beatty. The Geico building will be taken down first, followed by the vacant houses on Charles Street and Washington Drive.
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The old Geico building. |
After Spectrum purchased the two houses closest to the project earlier this year and the residents moved out, community residents complained about homeless men taking over the vacant properties. Spectrum then boarded up the buildings and fenced the entire site.
Demolition should take about two weeks, Wahlstrom said. It will take another two weeks to remove the trees, grass, and asphalt from the site.
Construction should start in about six weeks and should take six months, he said. The tenants will complete the interiors of their businesses. CVS, which has a 40-year lease, will hire its own building contractor.
Balfour Beatty expects to turn over the project to Spectrum in early January. Batten says the CVS could be completed by spring 2018. The rest of the retail center would be completed in late spring or early summer.
During the demolition and site preparation, the construction trailer will be on Charles Street, Wahlstrom told the community. All construction trucks will access the site from Leesburg Pike, not the neighborhood.
what a high quality penny gross project! 4 fast food places, a t mobile store and a CVS. remember when they said this would be high quality and a new gateway to Bailey's. LOL.
Great! Let's clean this dump of a corner up.
it seems that mason district doesn't deserve nice things
Anonymous7/13/17, 1:27 PM, I get your point, it's not exactly high end, but at least it is something. This stretch of Rt7 is shabby, maybe this small improvement will spur other development projects. It has been frustrating to see this corner of Fairfax county forgotten. I have seen new things come along for almost every area EXCEPT Bailey's X roads
something is not better than nothing in this case. the trash/odor and traffic will just reinforce this area as the arm pit of the area. 4 cheap fast food places and a CVS is what you see in the ghetto. maybe the food places will have the bullet proof glass between them and the customer. its the only thing missing from this mess.
These places actually look pretty good, or are were you too busy trying to come off like a crabby old fart to actually read the article? Also, have you been to the rest of the country? fast food and CVS is pretty much the cornerstone of most rural areas. I think this development is fine, you need to relax bro.
Bailey's Crossroads is not a rural area and I'm not a "bro". don't assume someone is a man.
I never said Bailey's was rural. Your righteous indignation of CVS and fast food is just a bit odd. Also, "bro, brah, bruh, etc/" is kind of genderless these days, but of course you got offended by that. You know what makes things easier? don't comment as anonymous.
you literally said " Also, have you been to the rest of the country? fast food and CVS is pretty much the cornerstone of most rural areas. "
Ok, so you did say its rural when you implied this is what goes into rural areas. Have you been to DC or Arlington which are urban?
Calling someone a bro is not genderless . It means "a male friend".
At least know what you are talking about.
do you get angry say quit horsing around because you're not a horse?
I didn't imply that at all, you just had a lot of grumpiness about three potentially neat places to eat and a cvs which you said you only find in the ghetto. I made the point that they're common in literally the entire rural (and suburban too while we're at it) area and there is nothing intrinsically trashy about a burger joint and a place that sells antihimines. Dude.
I left out a few words in that one. I was at a winery. I blame the rose.
Wow. Some of you are abject morons. Burger 7 and Pita Pouch are mid-grade fast casual places, but you are equating them with Taco Bell, McDonalds, and Popeyes. You clearly spend very little money outside of basic groceries, and are probably the reason that we have a proliferation of adult daycares and senior centers in Mason District, rather than more community-serving retail.
The T-Mobile and CVS are unfortunate and the county should not have approved a drive-thru for the CVS.
Oh, honey, there may come a day when you wish there were a senior center closer to your former home…
Yes, there are several of them around here, and yes, if things don't improve, you may not want to live here later in life, but honestly, all the moaning about senior centers here makes me think that several commenters on Blogspot are oblivious to the fact that, barring early death, everyone gets old eventually! If you want to treat the elderly like pariahs, don't gripe about it when you become the "untouchable" one!
P.S.: If someone doesn't have the money to spend on entertainment–or they simply don't want to–then leave them alone. They're being responsible and thoughtful about their money instead of blowing it on stuff they don't want or can't afford. *That's* what morons do.
yes what mason needed was another Chicken place and a T Mobile and a drive through. how forward thinking that all is!
You prefer boarded up and blighted buildings?
Sardi's menu and website look…not bad at all. I'll give them a chance.
O Adam, honey. What you fail to grasp as the reason they were boarded up is b/c the county green lighted this nonsense. The Geico was operational till then and people lived in those houses. So yes I would prefer those nice houses with people in them vs a parking lot where the houses were.
Don't assume my gender by calling me honey. I am not a female honeybee.
Anyway, I'm trying to find some info to back up your claim so help me out. Ellie posted something 2.5 years ago and mentioned that Geico had been closed prior to the planning commission approval, a weedy lot that has been vacant for 10 years, and two houses. Failing to see the nonsense unless I'm missing something, which could be.
The anonymous "Mason is a craphole" and "Penny Sucks!" are typical and expected, but I think if people want the Mason district to not be a crap hole, they should either invest in it themselves or shut the heck up when someone else invests in it. If the Mason district is such crap and our governors are such crap, move.
Seriously, what would you have put in other than eateries and retail? There is a glut of office space down the roads. I'm certain that new apartment buildings would be met with fresh contempt.