Working group announced on Justice parking

The Fairfax County School Board, FCPS staff, and Mason Supervisor Penny Gross invite Justice High School families, staff, students, and community members to serve on a new Justice High School Pyramid Community Working Group, Mason school board member Ricardy Anderson announced April 11.
The working group will be charged with exploring parking and transportation needs and potential solutions.
Related story: Church parking lot will handle overflow during construction at Justice High School
Parking has been a big challenge since the school board approved plans to build an addition on the Justice High School parking lot to accommodate growing enrollment.
When the Board of Supervisors approved a rezoning for the school project on Aug. 2, one of the proffers negotiated by former Planning Commissioner Julie Strandlie (Mason) called for FCPS to establish a working group to consider staff and student parking needs and recommend solutions.
Related story: Supervisors approve Justice HS addition
Justice High School staff and students and parents of students in the Justice pyramid who want to join the working group should complete an online form by April 19. Gross will select the community members to serve on the group.
Those selected will be notified by April 24. The first meeting is scheduled for May 1, 6:30-7:30 p.m., in the Justice High School library.
The working group will meet once a month, possibly until Aug. 2024. The meetings will be open to the public.
That picture isn’t up to date. Those parallel parking spots as of last week have been repaved and numbered presumably so they are now reserved parking spots at least during school hours.
Simple, build a parking garage under the addition. If you are going to build an addition on top of a surface lot that had parking, you have to put that parking under the addition. This is not rocket science. There is only a limited amount of land and much of that is needed for athletic fields.
I like this idea.
Building the addition to Justice won’t be inexpensive and there are more overcrowded high schools elsewhere in FCPS that aren’t even getting additions. Adding a parking garage under the addition or elsewhere on the school property would jack up the costs considerably more and might also raise safety concerns.
If the Justice community is that concerned about losing parking spaces, a reasonable alternative might be to forego the addition at Justice, wait until the ongoing renovation of Falls Church HS – which will expand the capacity of FCHS to 2500 seats – is finished, and then reassign some Justice students to Falls Church.