Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Honorary name proposed for Annandale’s main street

Mason District Supervisor Andres Jimenez has scheduled two community meetings on a proposal to designate a portion of Little River Turnpike as Gangnam Street.

The name would be purely honorary; it would not change residential or business addresses and would not be recognized by the Post Office. If approved, Gangnam Street would run from Evergreen Road to Hummer Road.

The first meeting will be held Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Mason Government Center. Another meeting is scheduled for Feb. 5, 6 p.m., at the office of the Korean American Association of Greater Washington, 7004 Little River Turnpike, Suite L.

After the community feedback process, and if the community supports the renaming, the proposal will be submitted to the Virginia and Fairfax County transportation departments, says Olivia Logan of Jimenez’ staff. VDOT and FCDOT will determine where to place the street signs.

The new name, proposed by the Korean American Association of Greater Washington (KAAGW), would reflect the Gangnam district of Seoul, Korea, an area full of stylish young people, luxury stores, modern buildings, and big companies. The area was made famous by the 2012 megahit “Gangnam Style.”

More than half the commercial properties along Little River Turnpike are owned by Korean-Americans, says KAAGW President Steve Lee. “The new street name will recognize the contributions of Koreans since the 1980s and encourage them to do more.”

Related story: Koreans made Annandale unique

“We’ve been here long enough. We need to do better for our sake and for the community we live in,” Lee says. “The ultimate goal for us – Korean Americans – is to promote Annandale more. We hope this will help.”

Anna Ko, KAAGW executive vice president says Ko says renaming Little River Turnpike for Gangnam will draw more people to local restaurants, spark economic growth, and help revitalize the area.

In a related story, the City of Falls Church held a ceremony Jan. 22 for the renaming of a section of Wilson Boulevard in front of the Eden Center as Saigon Boulevard.

The renaming, a longtime priority of the Viet Place Collective recognizes the social, economic, and cultural impact of the Vietnamese community.

Related story: Falls Church section of Wilson Blvd. to be designated Saigon Blvd.

56 responses to “Honorary name proposed for Annandale’s main street

  1. Wish Jimenez would concentrate on reducing Crime, improving schools and lowering taxes – that said – full support Gangnam name change. South Korea is a great ally and having served multiple tours in South Korea the Korean community of Mason have been great for the area and the Country – and love their culture.

  2. As an American with who happens to be from
    Both full fledged Korean parents, and a business owner in Annandale. Please don’t.
    Rather spend more time and resource in reducing crime. Ex. Stronger penalties for shoplifting and credit card fraud.

  3. I’m a second generation Korean-American. I’m all for recognizing the long-term contributions of my community to Annandale. I love this place. But, it would make more sense and be more relatable to all if we call it Little Korea Way or Korea Town Blvd. Gangnam needs to be explained and it takes away from what could turn into a place that could be very welcoming to all who visit the area.

  4. I recommend prioritizing the safety of Annandale’s communities and addressing residents’ concerns rather than focusing on promoting businesses. Annandale, particularly Little River Turnpike, has faced significant challenges with crime, including gun-related incidents. This has led to a negative perception of the area, with some advising against living here. Despite these ongoing issues, there seems to be little progress in resolving them. The article appears to emphasize pride in the area but overlooks the pressing concerns that residents face daily.

  5. Mason District has many nationalities. Personally, I resent one of those nationalities attempting to claim Annandale as its own and sole turf. And as others have mentioned, there’s a lot needing to be done in Annandale that doesn’t involve pandering to a particular ethnic group.

    1. Annandale has many fine Korean establishments, but the community wants diversity. Other ethnic restaurants and business have a difficult time getting established because of the monopoly of Korean business leaders. Renaming the street would only make it worse and other nationalities and other non Koreans feel unwanted.
      Don’t waste the money. Fix what’s broken first.

      1. I disagree with this a lot. There are loads of businesses representing many ethnicities in downtown Annandale. I think the name change is a bit dumb and misleading in multiple ways, but I don’t think it would make people feel unwanted.
        It doesn’t seem like it would cost much either.

  6. Ridiculous!! Stop wasting tax payers money in nonsense!! Wish the people in charge would concentrate on much more needed things in Annandale that to change street names!!

  7. Turning annandale va into Korea is not what should be taking place.

    Let’s rename it “this isn’t korea”

  8. I think this is long overdue. Think back on the crash of 2008 and how many US small towns went under. Main streets were marked by block after block of “for sale” signs. Not Annandale. Koreans did that.

  9. Get your priorities straight. A slap in the face to other ethnicities. Sucking up to your Korean constituents for votes in your future re-election bid.

  10. No problem with Koreans or any other group but what made America in the early 1900’s, which had the largest immigration, was everyone learned English and wanted to become Americans. I would be more in fav0r of Annandale sh0pping Boulevard etc. Also I think it is a waste of tax dollars and would be confusing

  11. Agree w Do Yun. “Korea Town Way” is better. Gangnam sounds too close to “Gang Land” and we certainly have had our problems w gangs.

  12. Oh puleeeze, this is a silly way to recognize what Korean Americans have done, and are doing for our community. How about featuring some from the local Korean business community in the Mason District newsletter, or hosting cultural events at the Annandale substation, or offering discounts at restaurants to encourage more community buy in. As it is, Annandale is just known for a bunch of Korean restaurants and nothing about the Korean people, their community, its history in Annandale, or what other businesses are represented here.

  13. They need to worry about other things like all the crime that’s going on in Annandale. The Little River Turnpike it’s nothing wrong with it all these years why even bother it now.

  14. Yikes really? When they are already thinking about cutting back the essentials like some of the fire departments staff because of lack of funds , but they can spend the money on this? 😱What on earth !Huh? Where are your priorities? Please spend the money on life saving department necessities , not such foolishness!

  15. Annandale has students at the high school from over 90 countries that speak more than 50 languages. Moreover, Annandale high school has the following demographics for 23-24: Asian 17.4%, Black (not Hispanic) 13.5%, Hispanic/Latino 54.1%, White (not Hispanic) 12.6%. Do these facts change what street renaming should be considered given the group of residents that live in Annandale? I truly appreciate the community mix and frequently visit many of the Korean-American and other nationalities owned businesses, but this seems sadly a horrible effort to pander to monetary interests and not residents, plus a waste taxpayer official time and funds by the Supervisor. If you want a change then you have to vote and get other to vote, or vote differently because the current Supervisor was elected. In the democratic primary he barely won (by 375 votes) in a four way race. That primary is de facto the general election in Fairfax.

  16. Our Supervisor should focus his efforts on crime, the fact that Columbia Pike in Annandale looks like a slum and the homeless people living in parks and at bus stops. As an Annandale resident of 45 years, I think we should honor people who have contributed to our community and not a shopping district in another country. We all need to attend this meeting and voice our concerns!

  17. We have experienced the confusion with Lee Highway in Arlington not to mind the cost to businesses and taxpayers. Thousands of dollars changing signs business addresses advertising copy etc. etc.
    Please concentration on improving traffic, schools, security, and law and order. We have way too much GANG stuff going on in Annandale already. You lost my vote Mt. Jaminaze thats for sure.

      1. Sounds like you are promoting this request. DID you forget they intend to place signs in the heart of what remains of our communities historic Little River Turnpike since 1806. How would you like your name changed after living with it for 218 years.? The address may not change but New Street Signs would go up on this currently well named stretch of road for ONE & 3/10 miles in the center of Annandale. Our residential communities and other businesses located here for many years deserve better than having the Korean businesses in Annandale fell they are special and need to be Honored above all others? Are they that VAIN and needy ? They came here to do Business now they want to change the entire cultural makeup of our wonderful community. Mr. Lee stated they love this community this is not the way to go about showing their love. Most don’t even reside in Mason District. I must oppose any Honorary change to our very special Little River Turnpike. I hope this will help all of you to Oppose their request. GO to To VOTE.

  18. Many other problems to solve first. The leaf pickup service is abysmal. Our tax dollars are not being spent wisely.

  19. A HUGE waste of time, money to change signs, and added confusion to those driving in the area who are unfamiliar with the area. Driving along Little River Turnpike looking for an address and suddenly you’re on Gangnam Street. Then turn around looking for where Little River turns off and can’t find it. Ridiculous to change names in a small area. We are Americans. Take off the hyphenations (Korean-Americans, Mexican-Americans, Asian-Americans, etc). We are one nation so stop trying to divide us and put us against each other. We need unity to help each other, not divide us.

      1. We are quite able to read and understand the article — the “honorary” changes should include ALL groups of people. Koreans are not the only nationality in this area.

        1. Absolutely! Please all of you..consider emailing Supervisor Jimenez at [email protected] Tell him your concerns. It’s not enough to voice your opinion here! Also, consider attending the meeting this Fri.

  20. I have no issue with honorary names but a better use of a town meeting would be to address the issues that are challenging our residents. Many neighborhood streets were not cleaned ever during the recent snowstorm, and many people have commented on our neighborhood listserve of not having trash pick up for more than two weeks.
    I am also concerned about the potential traffic accidents on the gallows road side of Aldi’s from cars turning off of Columbia Pike onto Gallows and then trying to cross two lanes of traffic to enter the Aldi lot.

  21. I love Annandale, but I’m not sure this describes Little River Turnpike in Annandale at all… “an area full of stylish young people, luxury stores, modern buildings, and big companies.”

  22. Jan. 30 at 6 p.m. at the Mason Government Center, thank you. I agree with the majority of the comments. Better use of money elsewhere especially not on absurd renaming of a street sign that needs no change. Diversity is made up of all immigrants, not tailoring to one ethnicity by a song name? Quite sad to suck up to certain group of people. Andres Jimenez, let’s be honest, this isn’t it.

  23. I am not opposed but prefer no change to save money to be spent on real challenges in our community. I see this as pandering to money interests as the proposed change is NOT accurately reflective of the Annandale community. Using just data from Annandale High School student population for 2023-24 school year (roughly-rounded): 54% are Hispanic, 17% are Asian, 13.5% Black, and 12.6% are White. If we’re going to aim for a relatively representative name change then it would not be as proposed.

    1. No tax money will be used for this proposal. The Korean American Association of Greater Washington will be responsible for funding the proposal.

  24. Supervisor Jimenez appears to be trying to prove his worth by choosing ways to “fix” Mason District without actually improving the safety and well-being of the general public. What about getting the leaves picked up for the 2nd time? How about reducing the crime in the area? Get zoning to actually work on many of the issues that plague the communities, like overcrowding, tax-evaders, illegal dumping, etc. Until you clean up the area and make people want to live and visit, changing a name on a street isn’t going to do it, just like making this an “art” go to district.

    1. Supervisor Jimenez is doing his job. The Korean-American Association of Greater Washington brought this proposal to the County. It is his job to bring it to the community.

  25. Lol.

    Commenters: It’s divisive to change the name of someplace to focus on some subculture and it’s contributions.

    Common Sense: So, you agree that we shouldn’t have named places for the confederacy, and it’s a good idea to change the names back.

    Commenters: Well….no. That’s different. Cause, cause, cause…… Oh, it’s wasteful, that’s it. It’s a waste of money, and names are meaningless.

    Common Sense: Oh, so like changing the Gulf of Mexico to the Gulf of America? or Mt. Denali to Mt. McKinley. Those are complete wastes of time and money too?

    Commenters: Well, no… That’s different too. Cause, cause, cause…Well…because.

    Common Sense: Ah, I guess it just depends on what you look like and how different the group being promoted/demoted looks to you.

  26. A slap in the face of other Annandale ethnicities. Maybe the concentration and usage of taxpayers dollars should focus on crime reduction and community safety. The name seems to mimic a salute to gang activity.

    1. Please take a look at the Honorary Name options on the survey. A name has not yet been selected.

      Gangnam (강남) is a Korean word that means “south of the Han River”. It can refer to a district in Seoul, South Korea, or a cultural region that includes several districts. It has nothing to do with Gangs.

  27. It has become confusing enough with the street name changes and school name changes! Please don’t change anything else. Have pity on the old folks!

  28. As a business on Little River Turnpike serving the Annandale community for 40+ years, we say no name change!

  29. All this “renamimg” is very easy to do and can certainly fit in with what we SHOULD be naming our places. That is, name streets and sins and buildings and whatever else after Medal of Honor recipients. (There are MOH recipents who are Hawaiian, Korea, Afro American, Hispanic, all ethnic categories!). AND…they deserve the recognition! We have MOH recipients from every major US military conflict! Make sense? Sound patriotic?

  30. Agree, this new name sounds like “Gang Land” and will become it’s new moniker. Not a good loook. Why don’t you rename a park instead?

    1. Please take a look at the Honorary Name options on the survey. A name has not yet been selected. Annandale, VA has been known for its amazing selection of Korean restaurants and Asian markets for the past 20+ years in Northern Virginia and the greater DMV. In another 20 – 30 years, Annandale may evolve and become known for the Hispanic community’s contribution to Annandale.

  31. The Korean American community deserves the opportunity to leave a lasting mark on Annandale’s rich history. The second community engagement meeting held this evening was marked by divisive statements from individuals opposed to the proposal. It appears that much of the opposition stems from a fear of change. Several attendees expressed concerns regarding the potential replacement of Annandale’s historical identity and questioned the representation of the community’s diversity.

    One individual accused Mr. Jiminez of engaging in a “quid pro quo” arrangement and demanded that he disprove the allegation. Another attendee suggested that Korean Americans in Annandale should assimilate into the broader community. Additionally, a participant arrived with photographs and reports, which were distributed to the audience, in an attempt to demonstrate why the proposed honorary street naming posed a threat.

    It is concerning that such intense opposition has arisen over an honorary street naming, proposed by the Korean American Association of Greater Washington, intended to recognize the contributions of the Korean American community. It is my hope that the residents of the Mason District will choose to support this initiative, aligning themselves with the values of inclusivity, respect, and the recognition of all communities that contribute to Annandale’s cultural and historical fabric.

    See the PBS clip on Annandale VA – Koreatown

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