Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Neighbors offer a warm welcome home to a soldier on leave

“This is why we live in the best neighborhood ever—because we lined the streets on both sides with over 500 American flags to welcome home our Lt. Col. Kristian Pfeiffer USMC from Afghanistan,” says Julie Little, of the Old Forge community in Fairfax.

Little’s neighbors, Paula and Dave McKinley, purchased 400 flags at Walmart and placed them along another nearby street. Other neighbors donated money to help defray the costs, but instead of reimbursing themselves, the McKinley’s bought more flags.

The flags lined the entire route from Braddock Road to Pfeiffer’s front door, where his wife Amy, and their three children were looking forward to his visit home.

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