Anime/smoke shop opens in Annandale

Annandale’s only anime-themed smoke shop is now open. The Hidden Cloud offers anime-related toys, stickers, and costumes; snacks from Japan and Korea; and a smallish selection of smoke and vape products.
“Doing something that hasn’t been done before is exciting and fun,” says owner Georgio Khoury, an anime fan who grew up in Annandale and graduated from Annandale High School.

The Hidden Cloud, at 7031 Little River Turnpike, Unit 11B, is open 12 p.m.-12 a.m. Monday-Saturday and 12 p.m.-11 p.m. on Sunday.
Annandale Today thanks Georgio for donating items to the “sold in Annandale” basket to be given to the winner of a drawing at the Taste of Annandale.
So cool! Congratulations to Georgio for achieving the American dream! Do… your… thing!!!
Selling cartoons for kids and vape products from the same shop doesn’t seem like a great idea to me.
I just wonder how all these smoke shops will stay open. Are there really that many people still smoking/vaping/whatever?
It’s probably between the rents are reasonable, product markup, low operating costs (minimal staffing).
That’s my uneducated guess. Still think this is unique with anime focus (love the name!) and having vape is accessory to shop makes it stand out from the others.
Great question. My guess is that many of these vape shops are opening up now in preparation for when Virginia legalizes the retail sale of marijuana in the very near future.
At that point, I would not be surprised if Annandale becomes one of the main retailing centers for the sale of marijuana in the Northern Virginia area.
I personally, do not smoke and I’ve easily spent over $100 and know people who have spent a lot at the store too! It’s because they sell a variety of gamer and anime items. They also sell cool snacks from foreign countries like Japan! IMO, it’s not the “smoke” portion of the shop that gives it life, but the variety of items instead.
I also remember there being big anime store in that same plaza that I use to take my son there for his favorite anime cartoon workbook . As a member of Annandale community for 21 year, this disgusting. The guy he really have audacity to say ‘doing something that has never been done before is exciting and fun’ when he sell same product 2 door down. This make me vomit we need reform for school system to produce community member who bring value
I would think someone concerned about the school system and reform would consider using proper grammar and punctuation.
Annandale is flooded by vape shops and korean food. Lets get some variety please.
Nice work Georgio! Keep ur head up and keep doing your thing, hope to see some new inventory soon 😀
I’m concerned about combining products which attract children—anime—alongside tobacco/vaping. I don’t think tobacco should be presented as appealing or normal.
I hope this young business owner will rethink this combination of products.
I agree, I feel like the setup for the store lure children from the outside with the appearance of chips/snacks and anime merch from outside glance. Great owners but I don’t see other anime shop doing this and I’m sure the owner knows this to but maybe do this on purpose
Too many smoke/vape shops in the county. The Board of Superviors does not care who opens a business in Fairfax County and their detrimental effects on the population.
This is like Joe Camel setting up shop in Annandale. Remember him?
The true nightmare lie in predatory tactic by business like this aimed toward manipulate children. In my opinion, I don’t want my 8 year old daughter to see doll and candy, run into store then be by pipe used for drug. That what I see smoke shop sell. It desensitize them and in 2 year, they gonna be smoking. This store big problem for annandale community
This store is awesome. It has a lot of variety from snacks to merch and also smoke stuff and the staff is super friendly.
Overrated and selection is minimal. They have close to nothing in here but the owner is nice
The owner made me feel very welcomed and we were able to have conversations based on my interests. Whether I smoke or not, I am proud of this individual opening his own store.
I love the store. I always get boba next door and stop by to look around. They sell really cool anime/gamer stuff for a really reasonable price. I’ve probably spent over $100 at the store already and can not wait to see what else they’ll get!
The owner is really nice and he said more items would be coming in to fill up the store. Im looking forward to that hopefully the set up improves