Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Annandale High School to offer COVID vaccinations

Annandale High School

Annandale High School is offering COVID-19 vaccinations for students age 12-18 on Thursday, May 27. 

Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County Health Department are teaming up to provide one-day COVID vaccination clinics to students. Other sites include Bryant High School in Alexandria on May 25, South Lakes High School in Reston on May 26, and Mount Vernon High School in Alexandria on May 28. Other schools will be added beginning June 1.

Vaccination appointments will be scheduled between 9:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Parents or guardians must register their students with the Fairfax County Health Department. Parent/guardian consent must be received by 8 p.m. on May 20. 

Transportation to and from the vaccination clinic will be provided to all students from their base school. Virtual students will need to be dropped off and picked up at their base school. 

Related story: Youths age 12-15 can now get COVID vaccinations

In-person students will participate in their normal daily schedule before and after the appointment and will ride their normal bus to and from school for the day. 

If maximum capacity is reached, families will be referred to the nearest vaccine clinic for an appointment. Parents can schedule a vaccine appointment for a child age 12 or older at any location across the county. Learn more here

7 responses to “Annandale High School to offer COVID vaccinations

  1. We need to get all the students fully vaccinated so they can get back to school and be indoctrinated in the socialist agenda.

    1. Q stands for Quacks. You ought not to wear your seatbelt to avoid being arrested by the Q police for being smart and attempting to save your life. Surely they will throw you out of this esteemed club of kooks if you continue to be sensible.

    2. It always amazes me that uneducated people think that by going to school, how to critically analyze problems and arguments and just learn more about the world itself somehow makes one dumber and "indoctrinated"

    3. Exactly. Who needs reading, writing and arithmetic when you can be force fed more important and useful things like critical race theory, social justice, and DEI?

    4. All I can say is that you suffer from privileged ignorance and arrogance. Aren't you lucky to be one of the lucky chosen people and in a position to make such a statement.

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