Artists sought for mural project

The Fairfax County Community Revitalization Section invites artists to apply for a new murals program.
“Paint It, Fairfax!” is aimed at building a database of talented artists interested in creating community-focused public art in the county’s eight commercial revitalization areas.
That includes the Annandale Commercial Revitalization District, the Bailey’s Crossroads and Seven Corners Commercial Revitalization District, and the Lincolnia Commercial Revitalization Area.
The purpose of the Paint it, Fairfax! program is to “engage the community to showcase its unique assets and build vitality in the revitalization areas through creative placemaking efforts.”
Related story: Fairfax County is developing a murals program
The county is looking for artists with “a proven track record of artistic excellence, innovation, and originality, as well as the ability to collaborate with the county and project partners.”
Apply to be included in the artist database here.
“Paint It, Fairfax!” emphasizes “a community-focused approach, ensuring that the selected artists engage in a comprehensive community engagement process. This includes identifying suitable mural sites and themes, presenting concepts to the community, and actively involving property owners in discussions.”
The community will be invited to participate in the selection process and celebrate the completed mural, thus “enhancing the connection between artists and the neighborhoods they help transform.”
Murals can be painted on building walls, closed business windows, concrete barriers, construction barriers, fencing, and parking decks.
A site should be identified before the artistic theme and artist are selected. The mural program manager will identify owners of any exterior surfaces nominated for a mural project. Property owners will need to sign a license agreement detailing their willingness to allow a mural to be located on their property.
There’s enough woke graffiti all over the place, thank you very much.
You just classifying all art as “woke” at this point?
I find it sad in a way that they are looking for ” established ” artists “”a proven track record of artistic excellence ” huh? There are so many artists out there that would love the chance to prove themselves . To require that they already have had to achieve this you are possibly missing out on really great talent . It should be open to all Fairfax artists established or not as long as they can submit a winning entry that they approve for a mural . They may miss out on some really great undiscovered talents in the country . 😢
Totally agree with you!
Up front, art can be but is not necessarily some that is positive or affordable. Three things to consider. (a) Trouble is coming because “beauty” is in the proverbial “eye of the beholder.” (b) It’s not clear who is paying for this and how much. If county is brokering connections between private owners and artists to work out details of deals – Great! If the county is paying for materials to be used on county property for voluntary art projects – good. The county paying for something on private property = bad. County doing silly stuff called “art” due to some creative justification or has any taint of political issues = really bad and divisive. For a silly example look north to Arlington with the vertical wind turbine blade near Bailey Crossroads. The only thing crazier is the county’s expense for a COVID memorial which is not over. (c) FC government has real issues to deal with but seems to have challenges focusing on and dealing with the basics such as education resources are struggling with quality down, similar to crime being up, or problems fixing the roads, yet often officials want to pay for other things that are not essential government services like taxpayer sponsored art or taxpayer supported housing.
Maybe paint a public message or health and safety reminders that would otherwise cost money to print and waste paper. Like “keep 6 feet distance” Covid signage, or “Wear your Covid Mask, protect yourself”, or “If it seems suspicious it probably is”, or “don’t talk to strangers”!or “Beware Crime, don’t be an easy target for Scams!”