Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Del. Watts urges NOVA to reconsider student parking fees

Del. Vivian Watts believes the solution to the
traffic/parking problem on Wakefield Chapel and surrounding streets in Annandale is to
change the way parking fees are charged to students at Northern Virginia Community College (NOVA).
For years, local residents have complained about NOVA students parking on their streets, causing safety problems as they walk to class, especially at night. Residents have also raised concerns
about increased traffic, speeding, and students’ cars blocking their driveways.
In a lengthy letter to NOVA President Robert Templin, Watts
outlines all the reasons why the $105-per-semester cost to park on campus needs
to be re-examined.

Despite lots of efforts to address the problem—including the
redesign of parking lot circulation, transit initiatives, and resident-only
parking districts—“an unacceptably large number of students continue to refuse
to park on campus,” Watts said.
She challenged the college’s justification that the parking
fee must remain optional and can’t be rolled into tuition and that revenue from the fees is used pay for the college’s parking infrastructure. While it’s been the
long-held assumption that this is state policy, Watts notes that NOVA is the
only college in the Virginia community college system that charges a separate,
optional parking fee.
All the other community colleges that charge a fee base it
on the number of credit hours students are taking. Tidewater Community College
in Norfolk, for example, charges $4.80 a credit hour up to a maximum of $72. Some
don’t even charge for parking at all, the letter states. If NOVA students want
to park on campus, the fee is $105 whether they take a full load of classes or
only come to campus once a week.
Watts has not yet received a response from NOVA. It will
take time to comprehensively address all the complex issues raised in her letter, she said.
Those issues will likely surface at the next NVCC/WakefieldForum, a quarterly series of meetings convened by Braddock Supervisor John Cook
with local residents, NOVA administrators, and other local officials. The next meeting will take place June 10, 7:30 p.m., in the NOVA Student Services
Building, Room CA302. There will be free parking in lot B6.

One response to “Del. Watts urges NOVA to reconsider student parking fees

  1. This is the reason why I opted out to get driven to the Annandale NOVA campus. I am taking two summer classes, one online and one on campus that is held twice a week until the end of this month. To get a $105 parking class to come to school two days/week is obscure.

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