Fireworks – Where to see them

Mount Vernon – Fireworks, choreographed with patriotic music, plus tours of the mansion, games, musical performances, and food sales, 6-9:45 p.m. $34 for adults, $24 for youths. Fireworks only without the tour: $30 for adults and $20 for youths. (3200 Mount Vernon Memorial Highway, Mount Vernon)
Lake Fairfax Park, Reston – Fireworks show when it gets dark. Food vendors throughout the day; Puppet show and live music at the Water Mine water park. Parking for the day’s events if $10. (1400 Lake Fairfax Drive, Reston)
Workhouse Arts Center, Lorton – Fireworks around 9 p.m. Art exhibits, food trucks, local craft beer at 5 p.m.; live music featuring Shane Gamble at 7 p.m. Admission is free but parking is $20. (9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton)
The National Mall, Washington, D.C. – Fireworks at about 9:09 p.m. Other Independence Day activities around the Mall include the Smithsonian Folklife Festival, 11 a.m.-5 p.m.; the National Independence Day Parade, Constitution Ave. NW, 11:45 a.m.-2 p.m.; and A Capitol Fourth concert, 8-9:30 p.m. at the U.S. Capitol West Lawn. Many roads will be closed.
George Mason High School, Falls Church – Fireworks at 9:20 p.m. Hosted by the City of Falls Church. Gates open at 6 p.m. Food trucks, music at 7 p.m. with classic rock by the Darby Brothers. Free parking at the West Falls Church Metro Station parking garage. Street and retail center parking is restricted. (7124 Leesburg Pike, Falls Church)
Fairfax High School, Fairfax – Fireworks at 9:30 p.m. Evening show starts at 5:30 p.m. with children’s activities. Live entertainment includes the Hackens Boys at 6 p.m., City of Fairfax Band at 7, and Party Like It’s . . . at 8:20. (3501 Rebel Run, Fairfax)
City of Fairfax Independence Day Parade – Downtown Fairfax, 10 a.m.-noon. The City of Fairfax also hosts a Livable Fairfax Scavenger Hunt, 11:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m.; Superhero Fest, noon-1 p.m.; and Old Fashioned Fireman’s Day, 12:30 p.m. Shuttles operate 8:30 a.m.-5 p.m. from Fairfax United Methodist Church, George Mason University, and Woodson High School.
Southside Park, Vienna – Fireworks at 9:30 p.m. (1317 Ross Drive, SW, Vienna) Community festival in Yeonas Park at 7 p.m. with pie-eating contest for ages 5-10, chili dog-eating contest for ages 18 and up, and music by Fat Chance. (1319 Ross Drive SW)
Long Bridge Park, Arlington –View the fireworks display in D.C. Other activities (5-10 p.m.) include food trucks, lawn games, moon bounce, and live music with Steve Lauri from the Hollies at 5 p.m., DJ Baronhawk Poitier at 6:15, and Jeff from Accounting at 7:30. (475 Long Bridge Drive, north of Crystal City).
Churchill Road Elementary School, McLean – Fireworks when it gets dark. Grounds open at 6:30, with food trucks. (7100 Churchill Road, McLean)
Oronoco Bay Park, Alexandria – A combined birthday celebration for the City of Alexandria and the U.S. Fireworks at 9:30 accompanied by Tchaikovsky’s “1812 Overture.” Festivities include food sales and performances by Ocho de Bastos at 5 p.m., the U.S. Army Old Guard Fife and Drum Corps at 6, and the Alexandria Symphony Orchestra at 8:30. (100 Madison St., at the Potomac River between Fairfax, Pendleton, and Madison Streets)
If you’re going to set off your own fireworks, check out these safety tips from the Fairfax County Fire and Rescue Department.
I wonder how long until the socialist liberal protesters start howling to stop fireworks. I surely expect them to extort that they cause global warming. Gotta save those icebergs.��
Sorry, we liberals are just as patriotic as you are, and we'll celebrate Independence Day just as vigorously as you will: picnics, parades, flags and fireworks.
Is there nothing left where we can all be Americans, rather than being divided by ideology? I am afraid not.
Extort? "Joo keep on using that word. I do not think it means what you think it means."
I'll add to this the display put on by Ashburn on Ashburn Village Blvd, usually on the lake near the community center. It's really quite a show, I've watched it from my parents house the past few years and I was very impressed. They usually do it the day after the holiday
wait until you hear the ones on Murray Lane at midnight on the 3rd!