Glasgow Park to get a new playground

The Fairfax County Park Authority is replacing the playground at Glasgow Park.
The park will be closed until the installation of the new equipment is completed, which is expected to happen in February unless there are weather delays.
Glasgow Park is located at 3935 Arcadia Road in Lincolnia.
Related story: Explore a Park – Glasgow Park
The new playground will have a unit for children ages 5-12 and another one for ages 2-5. There will be a dragonfly-shaped teeter totter and a playhouse.
Additional site work will include new safety surfacing, drainage, benches, grills, and picnic tables.
The $180,000 project is funded through Fairfax County’s FY2022 Capital Sinking Fund. That fund is used to direct one-time year-end savings – as part of the carryover process – to critical infrastructure replacement projects.
Exciting! I hope FCPA will take some cues from Arlington County’s amazing playground design. The recent Hogge Park is nice, especially the courts, but I wish the playground there were more comprehensive (e.g. slides, etc.).
Very true. There are no slides or even swings at Hogge Park.
Who needs slides and swings when you can jack a car for TikTok cred?
Very true. There are no slides or even swings at Hogge Park.
Hogge Park has a terrible playground.
Well, the playground that they are putting into this park has no swings either.
Swings were one of my favorites, and still are. Hopefully they are not now a liability in this lawsuit environment.