Green Spring Gardens gazebo renovated

The gazebo at Green Spring Gardens is being restored with help from private companies and organizations. Phase one improvements, carried out on Sept. 7, include a new roof,
handrail, and decking. Phase two improvements will include replacing and
expanding the patio, redesigning the accessibility ramp, installing
steps to face the lawn, and redesigning the gardens with a sculpture or
fountain as a focal point.
Funds, labor, and/or supplies were contributed by Friends of Green Spring Gardens (FROGS), Clark Construction, the Roof Center, Concepts and Contours, Con-Serve Industries, and VIMCO Inc. Valentino’s Pizza provided refreshments.
The gazebo was built in 1987. It is used for concerts, a setting for prom and wedding photos, and during one winter, was taken over by a California species of hummingbirds, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports.
I shoot it with my bow!