Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Green Spring Gardens gazebo renovated

The gazebo at Green Spring Gardens is being restored with help from private companies and organizations. Phase one improvements, carried out on Sept. 7, include a new roof,
handrail, and decking. Phase two improvements will include replacing and
expanding the patio, redesigning the accessibility ramp, installing
steps to face the lawn, and redesigning the gardens with a sculpture or
fountain as a focal point.

Funds, labor, and/or supplies were contributed by Friends of Green Spring Gardens (FROGS), Clark Construction, the Roof Center, Concepts and Contours, Con-Serve Industries, and VIMCO Inc. Valentino’s Pizza provided refreshments.

The gazebo was built in 1987. It is used for concerts, a setting for prom and wedding photos, and during one winter, was taken over by a California species of hummingbirds, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports.

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