Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Here’s how to help Afghan refugees

Afghan refugees arrive at Dulles International Airport. [Washington Post]

As hundreds of refugees from Afghanistan pour into Dulles Airport, local aid organizations are providing basic supplies and accepting donations from the public. 

Those able to catch a U.S. military flight as the Taliban took over their country left with little more than the clothes on their backs. 

The refugees are spending five to eight hours at the Dulles Expo Center, which the federal government has turned into a temporary processing site as details are worked out on finding homes for them, said Fairfax County Board of Supervisors Chair Jeffrey McKay. 

Donations are not being accepted at the Dulles Expo Center. Those who want to help the refugees can do so through these organizations: 

Many refugees are expected to stay in Northern Virginia. “We look forward to welcoming all who want to join our diverse community,” McKay said.

Meanwhile, Fairfax County is serving a federally reimbursable support role – providing public safety, public health, and emergency management as needed – for Virginia and the Department of State to ensure a smooth entry into the U.S.

5 responses to “Here’s how to help Afghan refugees

  1. Want to help Afghan refugees?
    Send them back to their country and make them live there, create there and restore their homes.

  2. If only the Native American and Spansih told your potato eating onion neck hanging mother and father the same thing coming from cold and hungry Europe escaping from the killing of the Christian church saviors the same thing but I doubt any of them could be as arrogant and racist as u and your distant family must be!!!!they were much were polite with better manners must have had better parents and not thief’s as parents

  3. That last post seems rather angry. I feel for the Afghan refugees but at some point people do need to take responsibility for their home countries. The Taliban is brutal and our withdrawal was poorly done. I welcome the people that helped our efforts over there but the United Stated can't just be a dumping ground for every failed state in the world.

  4. The unmitigated xenophobia and racism of the first commentary is truly disturbing, and this in a country which achieved its distinction by continuous waves of poor and desperate immigrants, incl. myself. Kindly look deeply into your own family history!

  5. 3:47, it didnt take you long before using the xenophobia card, did it?

    the "waves of poor refugees" that came here had couple of fundamental values that they shared, and yes, religion was one of them.

    regardless, had you use your brain to read the first comment or the third, instead of being so butt-hurt, you'd discover some substantial truth in them.

    making superficial comparisons like the one your stating is hollow and brings nothing to the discussion, just like any other ignorant and senseless demagogic statement in favor of opening borders.

    as an immigrant to an immigrant, i encourage you to go and learn, educate yourself before you make such empty comments.

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