Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Hit-and-run driver destroys Broyhill Park sign

This sign has been here for decades. [Photos by Vince Wilson]

The sign at the entrance to the Broyhill Park neighborhood at the corner of Annandale Road and Graham Road was reduced to a pile of bricks after a vehicle smashed into it on or around Aug. 30. 

It shouldn’t be too hard for police to locate the driver, says a neighbor, who found a Nissan bumper at the scene with the tags still on it. Broyhill Park residents say speeding has been a big problem on Graham Road. 

5 responses to “Hit-and-run driver destroys Broyhill Park sign

  1. An amazing opportunity for the neighbors around to use their security camera and prosecute the scam bag person who've done this.

    It's ok to have an accident, it takes a true A hole to run away.

  2. My car was the victim of a hit and run not more than 200 feet from there just a couple months ago. Nobody came forward with camera footage and the person remains at large. This comes just a few months after we witnessed yet another crash at the intersection of Graham and Korte. On top of someone crashing into the telephone pole right in front of our house a couple years back and driving away. It's very dangerous.

  3. Graham Road between Rt 50 and Annandale is very dangerous: people are on their phones and looking elsewhere than the road in front of them. I live off Graham in that section, and even on our side streets we have had at least 5 hit and runs of cars parked on the street in the last year.

    1. OMG, Graham road is the worst –

      So much trash on its sides, broken down cars, always dirty, cars parked on the street all along the part between rt 50 and Annandale rd.

      I never understand why in a neighborhood full of SFH people park on the street nor why would our own community, our own residents, will treat the public areas so poorly.

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