Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Discounts offered on energy assessments

Gas ranges, like this one, emit greenhouse gases.

Fairfax County encourages residents to take advantage of the Thermalize program, which offers discounted home energy assessments through June 30.

Thermalize is administered by the Local Energy Alliance Program and is modeled on LEAP’s Solarize NOVA.

Fairfax County residents who sign up by June 30 will receive a $50 discount on a home energy assessment and access to vetted contractors to upgrade or replace existing heating, ventilation, and air conditioning systems (HVAC) or natural gas appliances.

The prequalified contractors will offer fair and competitive pricing to program participants, and the experts at LEAP will provide participants with dedicated guidance and support throughout the process of assessing their home’s electrification and efficiency needs.

Switching from natural gas to electrical systems reduces harmful greenhouse gas emissions and improves indoor air quality. Natural gas stoves, for example, can leak harmful methane into the air even when they are turned off.

While electrification may not guarantee immediate savings, the Fairfax County Office of Energy and Environmental Coordination notes, the cost of oil and gas is increasing at a faster rate than the cost of electricity. Over time, having electric appliances and systems can save residents money on their monthly utility bills.

In addition to assistance with electrification, the Thermalize program provides participants with recommendations on home energy efficiency projects, such as insulation and air sealing.

A comprehensive, three-hour Thermalize assessment is normally $495; through June 30, the cost is reduced to $445. Additional options include combustion safety testing for $50 per appliance and duct leakage testing for $300.

Learn more about the Thermalize program here and sign up for an energy assessment here.

One response to “Discounts offered on energy assessments

  1. To anyone considering this, I would counter recommend looking into dominions energy assessment program as well as the rebates they offer which can actually be pretty substantial

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