Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

ICE agents arrest immigrants at Fairmont Gardens

ICE agents arrest Fairmont Garden residents on Feb. 5.

ICE agents arrested six men outside Fairmont Gardens in Annandale this morning. The men were spotted walking down Little River Turnpike in handcuffs.

The men were waiting for jobs. One was released because he had a work permit, says Nayely Lopez of FACETS who does outreach in Fairmont Gardens. The apartment community is home to a large number of immigrants, most of whom are from Latin America.

ICE agents bring detainees to their cars on Little River Turnpike.

“A lot of people are scared,” Lopez said. Immigrants are staying indoors and keeping their children home from school. She is concerned that families in need won’t show up for food distribution events.

Related story: Immigrant rights groups respond to mass deportation threat

At about 6 a.m. on Feb. 5, a few hours before the raid at Fairmont Gardens, Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials’ cars were parked outside the Heritage Human Resources Center at 7611 Little River Turnpike – in front of the building and in the rear parking lot. They didn’t come inside, a security guard says.

ICE shows up at the Heritage Center.

The Heritage Center houses several Fairfax County offices, including the Health Department, the Department of Family Services, the WIC food assistance program for women and children, and Neighborhood and Community Services.

The security guard speculates that the presence of ICE discouraged members of the public from entering the building, although there were lines at the county offices several hours later.

Related story: Fairmont Gardens residents worry about crime, drugs, and children’s safety

68 responses to “ICE agents arrest immigrants at Fairmont Gardens

  1. So they put one LEGAL immigrant in handcuffs, and then only released him a little bit later? SOUNDS LIKE RACIAL PROFILING TO ME.

    1. Absolutely. Horrifying times to live in where authorities can pick you off the street and send you to Guantanamo. This guy was lucky they released him i wonder if he had papers on him or it was found after he was detained. Not to mention, they were standing on the street looking for work contributing to our economy. “Worst of the worst” in the words of Trump

    2. No, they arrested 6 and released one. The one that was released had a work permit and no outstanding warrants. That means 5 were here illegally and possibly had outstanding warrants. Fairmont Gardens has long had shootings, stabbings and harbored MS 13 gang members. It’s all been reported in the news multiple times each week. Anyone , that’s here legally and is a law abiding citizen has nothing to worry about.

      1. I’m from the Pueblo Nation in New Mexico, served in the U.S., armed forces, and this entire immigration debate is quite hiprocritical. Last I’ve checked, Native Americans’ land was taken by force and without any compensation. My peoples’ lives and culture were systematically almost obliterated from the face of the earth. It was possibly the worst example of genocide in history. Yet, you don’t see us few who remain demanding for all immigrants to leave. If you don’t look like me or my ancestors, you are not from these lands. So, as long as you are productive and law abiding, and truly believe in U.S. ideals and want better life for your children and families, you should have nothing ro fear. Live free and proud. All of you who hate these newcomers, I would ask you to think about how your forefathers illegally took over what is now the U.S. and perhaps entertain the idea of reparations to all Native Americans. Since that’s impossible than let others have a chance at the American Dream

        1. thank you for writing this, I’m completely taken aback by the general public’s vitriol and hostility towards immigrants in general. worse is other immigrants smugly saying “we did it legally ,so they should too,” it’s very bizarre. it’s a lack of knowledge of history and not the Propaganda history taught but Howard Zinn type history, documenting realities of colonization of North America. We will get through it together, one story at a time.

        2. My ancestors didn’t ask or want to come to this country. They were captured and forced to labor on plantations to make this country one the the richest in the world.

      2. I guess every whi9te person is also required to show proof of being a legal resident all the time. And for everyone who feels compelled to say that you have to show papers on demand, that isn’t in the Constitution and it is clear that white people don’t do that.

      3. That does not mean 5 were here illegally.

        It means 5 did not have anything on them that proved they were here legally.

        Tell you what, if your great-grandparents were born here, and all the way through to you, well-established Americans, but you have brown skin and live in places that aren’t too expensive, like Fairmont Gardens, and you were standing out their looking for pick-up work that day, what papers would you have on you that proved you’re here legally?

        Gotta say, I do not carry my birth certificate or passport on me where ever I go. I have a driver’s license, and credit cards, but I don’t think they prove I am here legally.

        Remember–to even ask the question: “Are you here legally,” there has to be an assumption that they aren’t regular Americans. Are we to become like WWII Germans, and require every single person to “carry papers” everywhere?

        1. Exactly. ICE is definitely taking advantage of people. This is why they’re showing up in schools and churches. Finding vulnerable people to intimidate into identifying themselves.

      4. Do you carry your work permit? I want to see your paperwork. I’m concerned that you may not be here, legally. Care to identify yourself please?

        If that sounds absurd to you, and you would never expect ICE agents to round you up because you “look” like an illegal, then they’re profiling. Fishing expeditions, shakedowns , whatever you want to call them, is a violation of the 4th amendment.

        You need probable cause to detain, someone and you reasonable, articulable suspicious that someone has committed a crime to legally be able to compel them to identify themselves.

        Standing around looking Latino, is not illegal. Not speaking English, is not illegal. Unless ICE actually has a suspect in mind and they know they are here illegally, they can’t compel anyone to show their identification.

        We didn’t like it when the Germans did that shit to their citizens.

        If they’re grabbing random people and intimidating them to show their paperwork…that’s is profiling and gross.

        1. Gee, then I wonder how they *coincidentally* found 5 of 6 suspects had a reason for detention. BC as far as you’re concerned, there was no due diligence whatsoever, and was just a random racial profiling. Silly

      5. Do you have any proof of that? The article does not state that five did not have papers or were here illegally, nor did it state that they had committed any crimes or had warrants out for their arrest. That is just assumption on your part and that is how all this hatred and fear gets spread. If you can’t prove your point don’t make the statement.

      1. The fact is they are people, they were probably looking for work to provide for there families or minding their business. I can guarantee there was no warrant for them. They were just taken like animals. It’s sad that there are people who justify horrible treatment of human beings. The US is country of the free, they have rights. After everything there are people on here; that don’t have any information accuse them of crime they probably didn’t commit. It makes me very sad, this is happening in my neighborhood.

        1. No one gets to pick and choose which laws they break If you enter the country’ve broken the law and are a criminal. Millions and millions came here legally and are welcomed into the country.

          1. How many millions died because they were not given any way to come here legally?

            How many Jews in WWII? How many South Americans from dangerous places or dangerous families, since Reagan? How many Middle Eastern Muslims since 9/11?

            Just because a some few are let in, doesn’t mean our country has a good system for potential immigrants to use, to become citizens here. Did you know wealthy, white Americans have fewer babies and at older ages, but immigrants tend to have more babies, younger? You know what that means?

            It means we need them to come here to work and pay taxes so there will be enough young people paying into the system as we age.

            If you found yourself thinking, “They won’t work or pay taxes, they’ll end up costing us more,” given we’re literally talking about people with zero description of who they are or how they’ve behave, but you jumped to the assumption you couldn’t trust them.

            That is called prejudice, xenophobia, bigotry, and it is the real reason you don’t want immigrants in your country.

            If you think I’m wrong, tell me how you would choose which immigrants can come here legally, and why, and I’ll probably agree with you on your security, background check, etc. ideas. Let’s do that.

          2. This is such an ignorant comment. In the time period that so many European ancestors came to America there was no such thing as “legal or illegal” entry. All were welcome. Imagine that.

          3. Please proof that you’re here legally. There are plenty of illegals that write English poorly like you, sir. So it’s highly suspicious that you not have the legal paperwork.

            Is that the kind of country we live in? Show me your papers.

    3. Yaaas. Exactly. And some folks think detaining one or 12 or 100 legitimate immigrants is okey-fine, in pursuit of “finding them all”.

  2. If you’re here illegally, you’re breaking the law!! Period!! Come here legally and you have nothing to worry about!!

    1. Legal or not, what does ICE know about these people when they are detaining them? If they’re just standing around minding their own business, then clearly they are being racially profiled. As the fact that one of them produced work authorization confirms. Why aren’t these folks looking for Seamus O’Hallahan? There’s a decent number of folks like him out there, too.

      Also, some recent deportees were going through adjustment of status. Which means they were following a legal process.

      BTW, Trump is also – as he did in his previous term – cutting off many legal avenues for immigration, too. His first move was to block resettlement of Afghan interpreters who worked with U.S. forces and are now targeted by the Taliban. All have gone through extensive vetting, and are by definition legal. The Venezuelans to whom Trump is now not renewing Temporary Protected Status were admitted and continue to be here legally.

      This is very much about not wanting Brown people here. Meanwhile, Elon Musk is talking about liberalizing immigration for White (and only White) South Africans.

    2. “ If you’re here illegally, you’re breaking the law!! Period!! Come here legally and you have nothing to worry about!!”— Powhattan, chief of the Tsenacommacah.

    3. I am a natural born citizen with natural born American parents with a Spanish surname. Yes we had a bilingual household. No, I am not illegal.
      I have been yelled at, frequently searched at checkpoints, and asked for work documents.
      My blond really fair skinned children have never been harassed. I have been asked if I am their nanny. Never before the Trump years.
      You cannot tell by looking at someone if they have a police record or if they are here illegally.

    4. I don’t believe you are here legally. Someone with such poor English writing skills is a dead give away. Of course you would try to throw suspicion of you and blame someone else, that’s another motive.

      Please show us your legal papers.

  3. My concern about Guantanamo, in contrast to detention in the US, is that people imprisoned there may be subject to mistreatment without protection or oversight. The press also will not have access – neither will advocacy groups or attorneys. Prisoners also may not have access to family members. I keep envisioning the injustices committed in Nazi Germany when prisoners were detained, and it is very unsettling to me.

  4. I am thrilled someone is attempting to clean up that area. It had gotten to be an extremely dangerous area. I no longer go to that shopping center at night and avoid the 236 edges where people are hanging around at any time. I have lived in Annandale for the better part 8 decades and am not comfortable in my hometown.

    1. I’m a women in her 20 and I have young siblings. We feel very safe to walk there anytime of the day. Since it’s pretty safe place, if you feel unsafe maybe it’s not the area but you. Everyone minds their business or friendly. Stop causing unnecessary fear in our neighborhood.

      1. I would not be so sure. My husband was in the car waiting for me to come out of dollar tree and I didn’t notice but as I was coming out I was being followed by a random man and I didn’t know. He then kept getting closer until I got into the car. .my husband said do you know that guy and he pointed to him, which then the guy started trying to open a random white car. I say random because when he caught on that we were Watchung him he started walking across the parking lot to toward the KFC and then opened the door to a totally different car, different color. You should always be wary of travelling at night especially with being a woman. This was just a month ago.

    2. American Dream? Fairmont Garden was extremely dangerous neighborhood, 2 people were murdered in less than a year. The place need to be cleaned.

    3. I agree with you, Long time resident! That area is scary. I never go to that shopping center anymore. I grew up in Annandale. I know businesses that have moved out of that area because of the crime. It’s been a long time coming. If you are here legally, welcome.

    4. That is called tunnel vision because you are not speaking on the same subject, yet your own prejudices. The people you are speaking on come in all different shapes,sizes and colors. This is concerning one race that is being snatched and I would think you would be more concerned of such hatred and abuse of power being so close to home!

  5. I agree with “U. S. Citizen”. My grandparents and great-grandparents came here legally. I also have a small idea of how the immigration system works: my cousin’s wife came here on a work permit and, when the time was right, proceeded to apply for citizenship the legal way …. and waited three years to legally become a U. S. citizen. I have a good friend who’s originally from Japan. She, too, went through the immigration system to legally become a U. S. citizen. To say that she was angry when she saw what was happening at our southern border last year in mid-summer is an understatement.

    1. Grandchild of Legal Immigrants, unless you are in high school your grandparents and great grandparents came to the US probably before the 1970’s in an entirely different immigration system with much more “open borders” style policies. In fact, I would guess they just got on a boat and showed up… weird how that’s not that different from people coming across the southern border. Also, I am so happy you know two whole people who immigrated here “legally” and therefore feel entitled to cast judgment on anyone present in the United States under different circumstances. To be clear lots of people come here through “legal” means and fall out of status making them “illegal” and lots of people enter “illegally” then apply for the processes available to them and become “legal.” There are LOTS of ways to be legal in the United States and they don’t all start with a visa. Your ignorance about the system and about your own familial history and privilege make you an untrustworthy judge on this matter. Sounds more like racism than about “doing it the right way” which I have no doubt is not how you intended to sound… but none the less where your ignorance gets you.

      1. thank you for this, it’s so disturbing to see immigrants pontificate about how they re parents and grandparents came here “legally” and so should everyone else. The arrogance and Lord of The flies mentality is absurd. People should care that we re being fleeced by an u elected official downloading all of our data and access to social security/medicare /caid funds. This immigrant hysteria is a tired trope but people keep falling for it because it’s a low hanging fruit, easy to blame the minimum wage day laborer, cooks and construction workers then the CEOs price gouging the most vulnerable people who are sick or through inflated food prices and yet we don’t hold them accountable?

        1. I have to disagree. Since Trump, it’s as if the worst 1/2 of the country has been deleted. No loud mufflers, Home Depot shoplifting, large groups of men loitering and selling drugs, dangerous jaywalking, super aggressive driving, etc.
          I feel the immediate benefits are obvious to non-zealots. Have a blessed day.

          1. Sadly the truth is racism and hatred is acceptable now. Law abiding, hard working, and kind people are living in fear because of him. Take the blinders off.. our country is being torn apart. This is not good leadership nor is it American values.

            1. Blinders? No blinders here. I’ve been paying closer attention for much longer than you. And I’m a crime victim. At root it’s a philosophical debate. Don’t underestimate your neighbors/adversaries. Enjoy your Sunday.

  6. Lt. Erin Weeks, the acting commander of the Mason Police District spoke about a recent initiative targeting the crime-ridden Fairmont Gardens apartments this winter. The effort led to 85 people being charged with 137 crimes.”

  7. I’m not surprised by any of this
    It’s a better way of doing things

    Yes people need to come here the correct way
    I totally agree with that

    However we are ALL human and everyone deserves RESPECT!!

    I’m astonished at how many people how many brown people voted for Trump
    Trump can’t do anything that God isn’t going to allow!!!
    America has turned its backs on GOD!
    If anyone thinks GOD is going to turn a blind eye on it
    you’re sadly mistaken

    As for Trump he too shall reap what he sows
    My God have mercy on the USA

  8. My grandparents fled Armenia from Turkish prosecution. I’m quite sure they were not “legal” immigrants; they had escaped with their lives and been driven off their lands. If they had not fled, I would not be here today. My father was born in this country; his parents named him George, after George Washington. They were dedicated to the nation that welcomed them – but when they arrived, they were “illegal aliens.” If they had been forced to show papers, they would have been deported, and my father never would have been head of the school PTA, head of the local pool board; he never would have educated GWU PhD candidates who went on to greatness; he never would have coached children in diving and changed their lives in the process. BE the immigrants and feel their despair, their hope, their fear, their dedication to their children. If you can’t feel it, then you can’t feel.

  9. To the concerned Annandale citizen who states “ no one gets to pick and choose which laws you break if you are here illegally “.
    Does that mean if you are a natural born citizen that you get to pick and choose which laws to break like our current felon president? How about all the laws and illegal actions taking place in our government right now? Shouldn’t we be prosecuting and stopping that with as much effort? They are being done by non immigrants.
    We should worry more about the destruction of our democracy and economy. 90% of these people are hard working and not committing any crimes. Our president is taking away more jobs from citizens than these immigrants are right now!

    1. preach ! we are currently experiencing a coup d’tat and giving Muskrat and husband high school graduates have access to all of our information without security clearances. one day we will wake up and not receive funds and there will be nothing to do about it. This is all a distraction.

      1. What were you doing productivity-wise at 16? Starting companies? Earn a Systems Engineer degree by 19? I doubt it

  10. I’m from the Pueblo Nation in New Mexico, served in the U.S., armed forces, and this entire immigration debate is quite hypocritical. Last I checked, Native Americans’ land was taken by force and without any compensation. My people’s lives and culture were systematically obliterated from the face of the earth. Back in 1492, there were approximately 20 million of us. It was possibly the worst example of genocide in history. Yet, you don’t see us few who remain demanding for all immigrants to leave. You are not from these lands if you don’t look like me or my ancestors. However, as long as you are productive and law-abiding, truly believe in U.S. ideals, and want a better life for your children and families, you should have nothing to fear. Live free and proud. All of you who hate these undocumented newcomers, I would ask you to think about how your forefathers illegally took over what is now the U.S. and perhaps entertain the idea of reparations to all Native Americans. Since that’s impossible then let others have a chance at the American Dream.

  11. My heritage dates back to an ancestor who was an officer in The American revolution. Other family members came to America in the late 1800’s. Back then stores had signs- no Irish need apply, no Germans need apply and so on. Because of my heritage, I find it disturbing that people can be arrested and walked down the street in handcuffs and access to County government offices was impeded.

  12. I truly do not see how this is going to help me. What would help me is if the police department would figure out how to fix the new TREDs crash system they have so that I can get a crash report from DMV; that is after someone crashed into an electric pole causing thousands of $$$ to my home electrically. TREDS apparently doesn’t have the ability to list all of those who sustained electrical damages but DMV makes this a requirement. Something here needs to change! Instead, my tax payer dollars are spent doing these type of shenanigans. Not impressed. What elected official cares about real issues Annandale/Fairfax residents are facing?!?!

  13. exactly this and now they are talking about sending us prisoners to el Salvador prisons, talk about violating constitutional rights,but this is how it begins.

  14. I want to share that ICE are likely taking advantage of people and illegally detaining day laborers, highschool students and church goers. That’s not ok. Record if you see them engaging someone.

    The legal basis can not circumvent the 4th amendment.

    The legal basis for ICE (U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement) to demand identification or paperwork from individuals in public spaces is limited by constitutional protections, including the Fourth and Fifth Amendments.

    1. Fourth Amendment Protections: ICE officers generally need reasonable suspicion or probable cause to stop and question an individual. Simply standing in a predominantly Latino area looking for work does not meet this threshold. The Supreme Court has ruled that racial or ethnic appearance alone is not a sufficient basis for an immigration stop (United States v. Brignoni-Ponce, 1975).

    2. Fifth Amendment Protections: Individuals have the right to remain silent and are not required to answer ICE officers’ questions or provide identification unless they are in a situation where state law requires ID (such as when driving).

    3. ICE’s Authority in Public Spaces: ICE can conduct enforcement actions in public places but must follow constitutional protections. They cannot detain individuals arbitrarily or based solely on suspicion of undocumented status without additional evidence.

    4. Local and State ID Laws: Some states have “stop and identify” laws that require individuals to provide identification to law enforcement under specific circumstances, but these generally apply to local police, not ICE, unless a formal cooperation agreement exists.

    5. Day Laborer Rights: Courts have struck down local ordinances that attempt to criminalize day laborers (Comité de Jornaleros de Redondo Beach v. City of Redondo Beach, 2011), affirming that seeking work in public spaces is a protected activity under the First Amendment.

    In summary, ICE cannot lawfully demand paperwork or identification from individuals simply based on their location or perceived ethnicity. If approached, individuals have the right to remain silent, refuse to show identification, and ask if they are being detained or are free to leave.

  15. What I feel is since several decades there is no Comprehensive Immigration law passed. Every tine it webt to Confress or Senate it eas failed due to one vote or 5 votes less.

    In that situation President of USA should have used Vito power long back when Bill Clinton or Obama was a President.
    Problem is not Trump President even he is but Problem is Obama President nominated Biden as a President in old age and he nominated wrong candidate Kamala. I am not a political person. But in in Biden Presidecy there was 2 wars and unlimited illegal criminals allowed to enter in USA abd giving millions of dollars of American Citizens when there are already 700 millions illegals struggling for Greencard in USA mire than one decade and they were totally ignored which is unfair and unjust. Due to war, economy collapse and there is recession due to that we all are paying prices today. So these illegal taken in last 2 yrs weather Criminals or not should be send back plus any other criminals committed Federal Crime in USA. And Asylums should be investigated if they didn’t suffer torture in their land. Asylums shoukd apply for every country not for few countries. If President have right people in his cabinet and right Senators and Congressmen Comprehension Immigration will pass which is very important so those are struggling and dying without Greencard they will come out instead hiding around and deffinatly will give big tine profit to this land to grow economy.

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