Jeremy Allen, an aide to Rep. Beyer, launches campaign for Mason Supervisor

Jeremy Allen, an aide to U.S. Rep. Don Beyer, announced his candidacy for Mason District representative on the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors on Jan. 10.
Allen is running to fill the seat of longtime Mason Supervisor Penny Gross who is retiring at the end of 2023.
He will compete against three other candidates – Andres Jimenez, Steve Lee, and Reid Voss – in the Democratic Primary on June 20.
As a leader in his neighborhood, Allen helped organize the Save Bren Mar effort. which successfully blocked a rezoning application that would have increased industrial activity and allowed a data center at the Plaza 500 development on Edsall Road.
If elected, Allen intends to focus on championing similar causes throughout Mason District.
Allen worked on constituent services and outreach in Beyer’s office, helping residents gain access to Social Security, Medicare, and Veterans Department benefits.
During the Covid pandemic, he helped Mason District residents with Covid resources and helped them file for state unemployment compensation.
One of his major priorities is creating more and preserving existing affordable housing and promoting affordable homeownership.
Like many Fairfax County residents, Allen and his wife struggled to afford a home. “Thankfully, we were able to purchase a home through the Fairfax County Workforce Development program,” he says. “I have lived experience benefiting from local government programs, and I know how much targeted programs and collective action can enhance our community.”
He vows to work closely with residents to ensure their concerns on land use are thoughtfully considered. “Communities that have historically consisted of single-family dwellings should be preserved,” he says. “Communities that can benefit from a greater, targeted presence of multifamily developments should be recipients of those investments.”
He also proposes increased support for parks, childcare, small business, and special education, among other priorities.
Before moving to Fairfax County six years ago, Allen started an education program for students with disabilities as an independent contractor with the Texas state government.
“As a supervisor, I want to increase awareness, access, and the effectiveness of local government efforts,” he says. “For the past three years, I have been interacting with constituents every day to hear their concerns and turn their feedback into policy solutions. This experience helped me deeply understand Mason District residents.”
Defund the police and lock down the schools? Section 8 and needle exchanges in our neighborhoods? Raise taxes and increase welfare? He has my vote.
Yeah, he’s doing none of that. Take some time to learn the candidate’s position before spouting off lies.
Why are you so angry? Mr. Allen wants to take the community in the right direction, I’m right there with him
I look forward to learning how he would spread affordable housing in other districts, per his web site he appears to want to lock in all current affordable housing in Mason and grow it. With twenty-nine percent of the county’s committed affordable housing units and 19 percent of the market affordable units in Mason District – seems to be more of the same broken leadership we have at this point.
Heck, just reading that he wants to listen to residents is an amazing statement to me. We haven’t had our government leaders wanting to hear from their constituents in 20 years. He seems to have the ability to see that land use development at any cost is much more complicated than just building more housing. The fact that he wants to protect single-family housing communities is really novel. The current Board of Supervisors wants to get rid of that zoning regardless of whether or not it would destroy a neighborhood community. Also, the fact that he fought to stop a data center from being built in his neighborhood shows me that he is a doer and not just a talker. He sounds very thoughtful and doesn’t seem to spout the same trigger words that they all say–affordable housing, mass transportation issues, revitalization. His lived experiences of helping students with disabilities, of working with constituents to help them with their needs gives him an excellent base to become a great Mason District Supervisor. I want to find out more about him.
Unless you can boost the economics of this district and reduce the concentration of the heavily laden impoverished to other districts, I will not be interested in voting for you!
Has only lived here 6 years… and now he wants to tell us how we should be run? Seriously?
The fact of listening to the Virginians is a plus for me. We the people are the ones who elect the
candidates. Its about service being a states person NOT just taking monies from big CORPS!
We need change, fresh ideas, and movement for change. Sounds like the person for the job!