Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

New park planned for Mason District

Monch Farm Park is the triangular-shaped plot along Canard Street. [Image from Google Maps]

Fairfax County has acquired a vacant 10-acre piece of land at 6570 Edsall Road in the Alexandria area of Mason District for use as a park, the Fairfax County Park Authority announced Dec. 17.

The park will be known as Monch Farm Park, reflecting its former use as part of the Monch family farm. After the owner, Gertrude Roat of the Monch family, had put the property on the market, there was some interest from housing developers, but the county agreed to purchase the land on a fee simple basis for $4.3 million.

There will be a public planning process, including community meetings, to explore facilities for the park. Nothing has been scheduled yet.

15 responses to “New park planned for Mason District

  1. On behalf of all the commenters on this site that over and over call for more parks for our children, I applaud Penny Gross. Now lets see about building a Bocce Ball Court in this park to encourage good safe exercise for our children and adults.

    1. Really, you say this based on what?

      (1) Are you claiming this 10 acres of land in Fairfax County is not worth $4.3 million on the free market? (2) Are you claiming Fairfax County had the right to take this land through eminent domain and pay a lower price? (3) Or are you just a nit-picker who enjoys complaining because you have been a flaming failure in your own life?

      Before reading this blog regularly I was as unimpressed with Penny Gross as anyone else; but now, I think we are lucky to have her because so many of her constituents appear to be arrogant, ignorant, know-it alls.

      God knows I am happy not to be in your family, and forced to spend the Holiday Season with the second coming of Ebenezer Scrooge.

    2. I am saying that it should have gone to vote or do we have $4.3 million laying around when our roads are in poor condition. I am just a tired taxpayer.

      No need to for the insults about me or my family you don't know them. I am glad not to have a prejudice person like you in my family.

      Happy Winter Solstice.

    3. Okay, enough with the bocce ball. This isn't New York City and most people never heard of it. Which is just as well because they'd be bored to tears if they did. The issue here is whether the county can keep taking possession of property when there's already too much underutilized park land around. This won't be a park. It'll be a green space that most people will continue to ignore.

    4. Thank you 5:00pm. The county Park Authority owns 23,343 acres of land in the county. If the County BOS is always complaining of declining tax revenue maybe this would be better off sold to the developers. R-3 housing would bring in 30 houses. At $1Mill a piece that would be about $150k in annual real estate taxes alone.
      Green space is fine more pleasing than a strip mall.

      Could the $4.3 million be better used? Or is pocket change for the county?

    5. To insult people is not acceptable. People have the right to their opinion just like you do. You should be ashamed to make insulting comments about others.

    6. Excuse me, but Penny Gross is a person, and many commenters like to insult her regularly and treat her like a punching bag. So to all the people who are all high and mighty claiming insulting comments are bad, I call you all out as obnoxious hypocrites for not calling out those commenters who regularly demean the hard work Penny Gross and her staff have provided to Mason District for many years.

      And for those tired of hearing about Bocce Ball, well I am sorry you are such a close-minded person.

  2. We need some playground equipment for children with special needs. Specifically, wheelchair accessible. Not as massive as Clemyjontri, but there is a huge need. One of those swings with a wheelchair platform would serve people of all ages who would like the motion but can't use a regular swing.

  3. I think this is a great use of the county money. I do not agree with most decisions made but I do like this one.

  4. This is great news, we could use a couple of new soccer fields. If they have lights and about 50-60 parking spaces it would be even better or we can just park in the local streets.

  5. I am unaware of any underutilized park space. Soccer fields are using AstroTurf because they are so over-utilized, and I see MANY people (and their animal companions) at local park areas year round. Green space also helps with air quality and climate regulating. I applaud the handicap-accessible playground idea for this new park space. Walking trails would be nice also. As for bocce ball, Goodwin House Bailey's Crossroads has an underused bocce ball area & equipment. I'll bet the seniors living there would be happy to kick your butt on the court (piste? lawn? whatever you call the playing field).

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