Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Park Authority developing a park access and equity strategy

The Fairfax County Park Authority invites the public to learn more about the draft Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Access Strategy.

The plan will provide a framework for improved and equitable access to parks and a balance of recreational issues.

The Park Authority will hold three community workshops, Oct. 25, Nov. 1, and Nov. 16. All sessions start at 6:30 p.m. Clear here for details.

Related story: Park Authority inequities harm vulnerable communities

The Parks, Recreation, Open Space, and Access Strategy is expected to:

• Identify gaps in a 10-minute walk to access parks.
• Evaluate complete park experiences.
• Analyze habitat connectivity between environmental corridors.
• Analyze and prioritize needs and projects through an equity lens.

The access strategy is expected to be completed in 2023. It will build on the Great Parks, Great Communities Parks & Recreation System Master Plan issued in 2017, the Great Parks, Great Communities Strategic Plan Fiscal Years 2019-2023 issued in 2018, andt he county’s One Fairfax policy.

8 responses to “Park Authority developing a park access and equity strategy

  1. Just what we need. Another plan. We can add it to the hundreds of other plans. Stop wasting the paper.

  2. How would all the over-educated consultants be able to tell Govt what ways the politicians should spend taxpayer money? How would politicians justify raising property taxes, or better yet lie with a reduced tax rate knowing full well the assessments went up so much it was still a tax increase especially when hit with high inflation. Oh my, what would those consultants do if there were no more studies?!?
    Keep voting this way Fairfax and get more waste and corruption. One party rule guarantees it here and around the world.

  3. Ahhh yes, the consultants. Many of whom are off shoots of the commercial real estate industry. You just can’t make this stuff up!

  4. We have these liberal elites that are looking at everything through a race and equity lense. As an African American, I consider it so ineffective and so stupid. It is the soft bigotry of LOW expectations…..the same way that the white elites think that we as blacks cannot get an ID to vote or that we cannot compete at high levels in the classroom. These white elites don’t know a d*** thing as it relates to making a better environment for blacks.

    1. K – Don’t be so quick to condemn your privilege. You are allowed to address the scourge of woke-ism and even use the word equity on this blog. (Every time I use it, I’m censored, even though I’m a schizophrenic pansexual with a limp.)
      You have reached the top of Trayvon Maslow’s hierarchy of victimhood whether you like it or not. I’m stuck somewhere between Mexicans and Republicans.

  5. the plans — just a way for the park authority to make money — by wasting their time making plans and then abandoning them. But! Hey! They get a great salary and benefits — and then they get to spend the bond money that all the folks voted to give them! What fun!

  6. But where is the accountability for the bond money and why isn’t that public since it is public money?

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