Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Police to offer safety tips at April 2 meeting

The CAC meeting will be held at the Korean Community Center, in this building at 6601 Little River Turnpike.

A recent brutal assault on a business owner in Annandale highlights the need for residents to learn how to protect themselves in scary situations.

The Mason Police District’s Community Advisory Committee invites the community to a presentation on personal safety tips at its next meeting, Tuesday, April 2, at 7 p.m.

The meeting will be held at the Korean Community Center, 6601 Little River Turnpike, Annandale. The CAC is hosting some of its meetings in different locations in an effort to attract more participants.

Related story: Man arrested for two brutal sexual assaults in Annandale

MPO Stacy Sassano, the crime prevention officer at the Mason Police Station, will educate residents on personal awareness, how to recognize safety risks, how to enhance local security through reporting, and how to respond effectively in an emergency.

Mason Police District command staff will also give an update on recent crimes and other issues. If you have a question about a specific incident or another concern, send an email to [email protected].

7 responses to “Police to offer safety tips at April 2 meeting

  1. This article starts with the following sentence:

    “A recent brutal assault on a business owner in Annandale highlights the need for residents to learn how to protect themselves in scary situations.”

    Is this an implicit (if not explicit) admission by the Fairfax County Police Department that the residents of Mason District must understand that these “scary situations” will continue and likely increase?

    For all those residents of Mason District who work full-time (or multiple jobs) for a living, it would be extremely helpful if Annandale Today would send a correspondent, or ask a trusted friend or acquaintance, to take notes and report back to the readers of this blog what MPO Stacy Sassano, the crime prevention officer at the Mason Police Station, communicates during this important meeting.

    1. Yes of course it’s an admission that these incidents will increase, just like smart people (you don’t like) predicted, and just like these incidents have been increasing.
      Why do you need a local cop to tell you what you already know, based on your other comments (“elections have consequences”)?
      Are you that lost?

      1. Mince, you appear to be confirming my point.

        I’m unsure why you think you know who I like and who I don’t like. And no, I’m not lost.

  2. This reeks of victim blaming. Yes, tips and tricks to keep ourselves safe are great, but if violent criminals are not going to be prosecuted, the police need to discuss that as well.

    1. Why do the police need to discuss that? They know crime is rampant and no one is being prosecuted like they should. Talk to the prosecutors and Descano. And thank yourself and your neighbors who voted Descano into office. I used to be mortified by all the crime, now I mostly laugh because all the bleeding hearts are getting exactly what they asked for.

      1. No one, except really fringe leftists who want to abolish prisons, police, borders, and the administrative state at large want violent criminals roving their neighborhoods.

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