Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Real estate assessments are up 6.6%

Residential real estate assessments rose an average of 6.65% from 2024 to 2025, Fairfax County reports.

The average assessment for all homes countywide is $794,235.

In Mason District, average assessments are up 5.63%. That’s the lowest among the county’s nine supervisory districts.

Look up your home’s assessment here. After adding your home’s address, select “values” on the next page. Select “neighborhood sales” to see how your home’s value compares to sales of nearby properties.

The tax levy shown on the assessment notice mailed to homeowners is just an estimate; it’s not a tax bill. That’s because the Board of Supervisors hasn’t adopted a tax rate for 2025, but will do so as part of the budget process. County Executive Bryan Hill is recommending a 1.5-cent increase in the tax rate.

In general, home prices increased due to demand exceeding supply, the county reports. Throughout 2024, mortgage rates remained relatively high at just under 7%. There was a big increase in the number of homes for sale, but just a marginal increase in the number of homes sold.

Of the total number of residential properties, 91.51% increased in value due to equalization (market-driven increases or decreases). Only 2.48% saw a decrease in value, and assessments are unchanged for the remaining 6.01%.

Assessments of single-family detached homes increased 6.38% for an average value of $965,437. The average value of townhouses is $588,391, up 6.53%. The average for condos is $374,961, up 5.84%.

The average assessment for commercial properties is up just 0.91% compared to last year.

Office values are down significantly from 2024, due to high vacancy rates and challenges meeting debt obligations.

Other nonresidential properties – retail, multifamily, and industrial – experienced modest increases in value.

Several factors affect real estate assessments:

  • Sales in the neighborhood.
  • Economic factors, such as average number of days homes have been for sale and sales volume.
  • Improvements to the property.
  • New construction and rezoning.
  • Property characteristics, such as size, age, condition, and amenities.

The estimated tax doesn’t reflect a homeowner’s 2025 tax relief benefit. Tax relief is available for eligible seniors and people with disabilities. Last year, the Board of Supervisors expanded the tax relief benefit to surviving spouses of military members who died in the line of duty.

For 2025, the maximum gross income to qualify for tax relief is $90,000, with a maximum net worth of $400,000. Tax relief applications must be filed by May 1.

Taxpayers can appeal their assessment if their property is assessed at a higher rate than its fair market value based on comparable properties or if the assessment is based on an inaccurate description of the property. The county suggests scheduling an appointment with tax administration staff before filing an appeal.

Appeals can also be filed with the Board of Equalization. The BOE conducts formal hearings and considers sworn testimony.

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