Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

‘Abandoned’ baby wildlife don’t need rescuing

Every spring, Fairfax County’s animal protection police and wildlife management office get lots of calls about young wildlife that appear to be orphaned or abandoned. In most cases, these baby animals are not in danger and people should leave them alone. Many species of wildlife hide their young for safety, leaving them alone for extended … Continued

Starbucks heroes rescue kittens from a sewer

When cat rescuer Juli Verrier set out to save a feral cat at the Bradlick Shopping Center parking lot, she had no idea it would lead to a heroic rescue of five newborn kittens by Starbucks employees. Verrier, a volunteer with Pets Bring Joy, spotted the cat running under cars near the coffee shop. She … Continued

Leave that fawn alone

If you find a baby deer resting motionless in your yard or in tall grass, leave it alone. The Fairfax County Animal Protection Police and wildlife management specialist get lots of calls every spring from people who think white-tailed deer fawns have been orphaned or abandoned by their mothers. In most cases, these fawns are healthy and … Continued

Don’t mess with fawns

The rehabilitation of deer fawns in Fairfax County will be prohibited, as of May 1, the Fairfax County Police Department announced April 20. This rule, administered and enforced by the Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources, is being implemented to reduce the transmission and spread of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD) among deer populations.   CWD is … Continued

Animals like bedtime stories, too

Kids can practice their reading skills while providing a comforting voice for animals, thanks to the Reading Tails program at the Fairfax County Animal Shelter in Fairfax. Participants first take a tour of the Animal Shelter, then children can choose which animal they want to read to – a dog, cat, guinea pig, snake, or … Continued

Meet an animal communicator at Chico’s

Chico’s Natural Pet Market invites the community to a fun event Sunday, June 5, featuring an animal communicator and an auction. The event is at 6349A Columbia Pike in Barcroft Plaza, 5-7:30 p.m. Chico’s owner Danielle Areco will update customers on the store’s pending move to a new location and will describe the store’s new … Continued

Rabid raccoon found at Luria Park

A rabid raccoon who has been chasing people and pets in Luria Park has been confirmed to have rabies, the Fairfax County Health Department reported Oct. 27.  Anyone who has been in contact with the animal – or whose pet might have been exposed to rabies – should contact the Health Department Rabies Program at 703-246-6004.

New Virginia laws legalize marijuana, abolish death penalty, protect absentee voting

Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam signs legislation allowing localities to establish green banks. Third from left: bill sponsor Del. Kaye Kory (Annandale). A long list of laws passed by the Virginia General Assembly and signed by Gov. Ralph Northam are now in effect. The following laws took effect July 1 unless otherwise noted:   Marijuana Legal possession … Continued