Tag: biking

ActiveFairfax would improve connections for pedestrians and bicyclists
The Fairfax County Transportation Department is seeking community input on a plan to improve transportation access for pedestrians and bicyclists.

Public input sought on ActiveFairfax plan
Fairfax County is updating and combining the Bicycle Master Plan and Countywide Trails Plan and combining them into the ActiveFairfax Transportation Plan.

More details emerge on Capital Bikeshare
Fairfax County offered more details on the Capital Bikeshare stations coming to the Mason and Braddock districts at a virtual community meeting on Aug. 22.

Capital Bikeshare is coming to Mason District
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is proposing to add 16 stations to the Capital Bikeshare network in Annandale, Seven Corners, and Bailey’s Crossroads.

New guidelines proposed for bike parking
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is proposing new guidelines on bicycle parking that cover short and long-term parking and acceptable locations and designs of bike parking facilities. FCDOT is hosting a virtual meeting on the updated guidelines on Tuesday, March 19, at 6 p.m. Join the meeting on Microsoft Teams, the web (meeting ID: 239 217 432 … Continued

Gallows Road study looks at improving safety
The Gallows Road Multimodal Study is exploring ways to make the seven-mile corridor safer for pedestrians, bicyclists, and transit users, while reducing traffic congestion. Community engagement Staff from the Fairfax County Transportation Department presented an update on the study at a virtual meeting on Sept. 19. They are hosting an in-person meeting today, Sept. 20, … Continued

Bike to Work Day will have a pit stop at the Annandale library
For the first time since Bike to Work Day was established 22 years ago in the D.C. area, there will be a pit stop at George Mason Regional Library in Annandale. Bike to Work Day is May 19. Commuter Connections and the Washington Area Bicyclist Association are coordinating the event with the goal of raising … Continued

Bike lanes, road paving program announced
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation and VDOT are proposing to add buffered or standard bike lanes on John Marr Drive between Backlick Road and Columbia Pike in Annandale. That would be done where space allows by narrowing travel lanes or converting underutilized travel lanes where feasible. That project and two others in the Braddock District will … Continued

County to begin Gallows Road study
The Fairfax County Department of Transportation is preparing to explore multimodal transportation on Gallows Road and will form a stakeholder group to provide community input. The Gallows Road study area extends from Tysons to Annandale. FCDOT will carry out an outreach process with a group representing community associations, HOAs, schools, faith communities, and other stakeholders, … Continued

Poe students learn bike safety
Now that school’s out for the summer, some local kids will be safer riding bikes around their neighborhoods. All sixth-graders at Poe Middle School in Annandale learned how to ride a bicycle for the first time, or if they are more advanced riders, learned about bike safety, as part of their physical education class. Poe … Continued

Seven Corners Phasing Study prepares for ring road around congested intersection
A new ring road around the congested Seven Corners interchange will allow the traffic to move through the area more efficiently, said Tom Biesiadny, director of the Fairfax County Transportation Department at a Nov. 16 virtual community meeting on the Seven Corners Phasing Study. It will also make the intersection of Arlington Boulevard (Route 50), … Continued

Safe Streets for All program could save lives of pedestrians
The intersection of Columbia Pike and Gallows Road presents a challenge for pedestrians and bicyclists. The Fairfax County Department of Transportation’s Safe Streets for All initiative could potentially make some of the most dangerous roads in Mason District safer for pedestrians and bicyclists. At a community meeting Nov. 8, Lauren Delmare, an active transportation engineer at … Continued

Let’s make our streets safer for walking and biking
Little River Turnpike at John Marr Drive in Annandale. By Phil Kemelor Have you almost been hit by a car when walking or cycling? Now you can report those “near misses” and help make your streets safer.

VDOT to study traffic congestion on Little River Turnpike
Little River Turnpike runs through the center of Annandale. The Virginia Department of Transportation seeks public feedback for a study of traffic and safety conditions along Little River Turnpike (Route 236). The study covers a four-mile stretch between the beltway and Interstate 395. That area, which runs through Annandale and Lincolnia, is highly congested, averaging … Continued

More alternatives should be considered for Justice parking lot
A rendering of the Justice High School addition. By Nazir Bhagat The proposal by Fairfax County Public Schools and the Fairfax County Park Authority to build a parking lot in Justice Park as part of a school expansion project has led to widespread opposition among the community. Nearby residents have been having a hard time … Continued