Tag: code compliance

Fairfax County sues owners of burned buildings on Columbia Pike
Fairfax County has filed suit against the owners of the buildings on Columbia Pike in Annandale that had been destroyed by a fire more than a year ago. Meanwhile, the property owner has lined up a demolition contractor, but the work can’t proceed until the gas company confirms the buildings are safe to demolish, according … Continued

Owners of buildings destroyed in a fire fail to respond to code violation notices
The owners of the buildings destroyed by a fire on Columbia Pike in Annandale have failed to respond to the Fairfax County Department of Code Compliance, so the matter is being referred to the commonwealth’s attorney’s office. The fire, on March 12, 2023, affected four businesses. The DCC filed several notices charging the property owners … Continued

Supervisors set fines for invasive bamboo
The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors approved an ordinance March 22 by a 10-0 vote prohibiting property owners from allowing running bamboo to spread to adjacent yards. The supervisors approved one major change from the draft ordinance: They reduced the maximum yearly penalty from $3,000 to $2,000. Some members of the board, however, questioned whether … Continued

Supervisors defer decision on bamboo
Members of the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors and local residents spoke in favor of an ordinance aimed at containing running bamboo at a public hearing Feb. 22. In the end, however, the board deferred a decision. Board members cited concerns that the proposed fines for violators might be too high and would have a … Continued

Annandale family fights to keep treehouse
Neighborhood kids enjoy the Dapoigny treehouse. A family on Holborn Avenue in Annandale with a treehouse in their front yard is fighting efforts by Fairfax County officials who say the structure needs to be removed because it violates zoning rules, the Wakefield Weekly reports. According to the Dapoigny family, the county sent them a letter … Continued

Local governments can regulate Airbnb rentals
This Annandale house is listed on Airbnb for $75 a night. The Virginia General Assembly passed legislation that would allow local governments to regulate short-term home rentals, such as those arranged through Airbnb and similar companies. The legislation, which is expected to be signed by Gov. Terry McAuliffe, also sets up a statewide mechanism for collecting taxes … Continued

Lawmakers, residents call for more regulations on short-term rentals
Panelists discuss the Airbnb law (from the left): Mason Hills Citizens Association President Mike Rioux, code compliance official Elizabeth Perry, zoning administrator Leslie Johnson, Del. Kaye Kory, and Sen. Dick Saslaw, Local residents who attended a meeting on short-term rentals Oct. 5 raised concerns about homeowners filling up their homes with transients, leading to declining … Continued

Police seize 80+ cats from home of cat hoarder
A cat at the animal shelter rescued from a cat hoarder’s house in Falls Church. Police officers from the animal protection unit removed more than 80 cats from a home in the 7200 block of Westmoreland Road in Falls Church on Sept. 17. The home is owned by a 52-year-old man, the Fairfax County Police … Continued

Additional charges filed against county code inspector
Additional charges were filed against Rakesh Kapoor, an inspector at the Fairfax County Department of Code Compliance (DCC) who was arrested in March for larceny after being accused for asking a resident for cash in return for expedited services. After that incident was publicized, an additional victim came forward, the Fairfax County Police Department … Continued

County employee charged with larceny
Kapoor A senior employee with the Fairfax County Department of Code Compliance (DCC) was arrested by detectives from the Police Department’s Major Crimes Division for larceny March 22. Rakesh K. Kapoor, 54, of Manassas, was charged with obtaining money by false pretenses, a felony, the police blotter reports. He was transported to the Fairfax County … Continued
County seminar will address neighborhood problems
Attention community association and HOA leaders: Want to learn how to deal with neighborhood problems and recruit more volunteers? The Neighborhood Concerns Seminar is for you. It’s Saturday, March 5, 8:30 a.m.-2 p.m., at Falls Church High School. This free event is sponsored by the Fairfax County Department of Code Compliance and is open to … Continued

New noise ordinance regulates leaf blowers, barking dogs, and much more
The new noise ordinance approved by the Fairfax County Board of Supervisors in November is really detailed and complicated. It lists specific types of noises that are allowed in the daytime and prohibited at night and sets decibel levels for certain noises in residential, commercial, and industrial areas. The noise ordinance takes effect Feb. 17. … Continued

Supervisors approve restrictions on donation drop boxes
Donation boxes on John Marr Drive in Annandale. The Fairfax County Board of Supervisors unanimously approved new zoning rules Nov. 17 to regulate donation drop boxes. The new rules, which take effect immediately, are needed because the boxes – which are supposed to be for old clothes and shoes – often attract litter and have … Continued

Annandale homeowner takes land dispute with county to federal court
Flooding on the Laux property before he tried to fix it. The legal dispute between Annandale homeowner David Laux and has risen to a higher level, as the Laux’s are taking their case to a federal court. The conflict started over a year ago when Laux and his wife tried to rehabilitate the lawn on … Continued

Fairfax County officials educate neighborhood leaders
Jeff Blackford, director of the Department of Code Compliance, and Rachel Perrott of the DCC. About 300 or so local residents – including many civic association and homeowner association board members – attended Fairfax County’s first-ever Neighborhood and Community Leaders Conference March 22 at Luther Jackson Middle School. At a session on code compliance, staff … Continued