Tag: community organizations

Historic Overlay District fails to gain sufficient community support
A proposal to create a Historic Overlay District in Holmes Run Acres will not go forward following a poll that found insufficient support. According to the poll results, 52.5 percent of homeowners opposed an HOD, and 45 percent supported it. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross said she will introduce a board matter before the Board of … Continued

BC7RC adopts Seven Corners roadways
The Bailey’s Crossroads/7 Corners Revitalization Corporation has had its Adopt-a-Highway permit renewed until July 2025. The permit covers two roadway sections in Seven Corners: Leesburg Pike between Sleepy Hollow Road and Nevius Street and Patrick Henry Drive between Leesburg Pike and Arlington Boulevard. Volunteers are invited to join a cleanup event on Saturday, Nov. 12. … Continued

GMU project engages with residents of Culmore and Bailey’s Crossroads
George Mason University is spearheading a place-based initiative to bring together residents of Culmore and Bailey’s Crossroads and the organizations that serve them. The project will develop an action plan “to solve systemic-level issues.” Project Manager Katie Wilson of GMU described the Place-Based Initiative (PBI) for Bailey’s Crossroads and Culmore, known unofficially as the Culmore … Continued

Scouts are restoring the Annandale sign
The welcome-to-Annandale sign on Gallows Road will be re-installed as soon as members of Boy Scout Troop 50 finish restoring it. John Gorak is heading an Eagle Scout project to repaint the sign. It could be completed as early as this Sunday, says John’s mother Kristin Gorak. The sign is located in front of the … Continued

Volunteers pack backpacks for students
Nearly 100 volunteers gathered at the Arlington Moose Lodge in Bailey’s Crossroads Aug. 6 to put together 2,000 backpacks full of school supplies for students in the Justice High School pyramid. Half of the backpacks will go to Justice High School and Glasgow Middle School; the rest will go to elementary schools, said Kate Walter, … Continued

Library room dedicated to community activist Carmen Fernandez
Community activist Carmen Fernandez was posthumously recognized July 9 at a ceremony to name the meeting room at Woodrow Wilson Library in her honor. Fernandez founded the nonprofit Hispanics Against Child Abuse and Neglect (HACAN), an educational and advocacy organization dedicated to strengthening families through parent education and out-of-school activities for youths. Fernandez spent many … Continued

Rotary Club honors best landscapes
The Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club on June 24 awarded businesses and other facilities with Blooming Best Awards for excellence in landscaping. The winners are: • City Diner — frontage and side landscaping, Route 7 and Rock Spring Avenue. • McDonald’s — entrance, Route 7 and Carlin Springs Road. • Olive Garden and Longhorn Steakhouse — … Continued

Covid didn’t stop these Eagle Scouts
The Covid pandemic has been hard for everyone, and that includes members of Scout troops. Nevertheless, three members of Troop 1525, all graduating seniors, were recognized for attaining Eagle Scout status at a Court of Honor ceremony June 7. “We are calling them Covid Eagles because they all performed their service projects and earned their … Continued

Culmore youths feel unsafe
Life can be tough for teens, but for those living in high-crime areas, just walking home at night can be especially challenging, as they have to deal with scary adults, broken glass, bullies, and harassment. Middle and high school students from Culmore and other lower-income areas in Bailey’s Crossroads shared their concerns about safety at … Continued

ON – Crossroads helps meet the needs of Culmore residents
Thanks to the Opportunities Neighborhood – Crossroads program, residents of Culmore in Bailey’s Crossroads have fewer food insecurities, have gotten a Covid vaccine, and have access to resources for more help. Opportunity Neighborhoods (ON) is a Fairfax County program that brings together community-based partners and residents to provide resources to vulnerable youths and families. The … Continued
Volunteers assemble 25,000 meals
Volunteers with the Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club and Bailey’s Crossroads Host Lions Club are donating 25,000 meals to local students and food pantries., reports Rotary spokesperson Polly Rosenstein. In the past, the two organizations assembled meals in person at the Moose Lodge in Bailey’s Crossroads. This year, club members are packaging the meals at home. … Continued

Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club brings 60 Thanksgiving meals to Culmore residents
Rotary Club members buy ingredients for Thanksgiving dinners. [Photos: BXRC] More than 20 members of the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads participated in the club’s decades-long signature project – delivering Thanksgiving dinners to families in the Culmore area.

Annandale-based Korean American advocacy organization rebrands itself
Hamkae Center staff at the open house. [Korea Times] The Virginia branch of the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium (NAKASEC) has rebranded itself as the Hamkae Center. The organization celebrated its new name and expanded mission at an open house Nov. 18 at its new headquarters, at 6715 Little River Turnpike, Annandale.
Bailey’s Crossroads Rotary Club raffles off a classic Mustang
A man from Texas won this 1966 convertible Mustang. [Photos: BXRC] For the past 35 years, the Rotary Club of Bailey’s Crossroads has raffled off a classic Mustang to raise money for its charitable projects. Jesus Tarango from El Paso, Texas, won a white 1966 Mustang convertible with a red interior during the most recent … Continued

Annandale Toastmasters Club builds speaking skills – and cleans up the community
Members of the Annandale Toastmasters’ cleanup crew. If Little River Turnpike looks a little cleaner, it’s thanks to the Annandale Toastmasters Club. Since the group adopted a section of the roadway in Lincolnia in 2019, members have collected many bags of litter during cleanup events, most recently on Nov. 7.