Tag: Gross

Tree planting honors Penny Gross
Fairfax County leaders honored former Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross by planting a tree in her honor at Mason District Park on Oct. 11.

BoS honors outgoing Mason Supervisor Penny Gross
The Board of Supervisors on Dec. 5 passed a resolution honoring outgoing board member Penelope Gross of Mason District, who is retiring after serving 28 years on the board. “Penny played a key role in initiatives too numerous to mention to move Fairfax County and our entire region forward,” said Board Chair Jeffrey McKay. He … Continued

Mason District residents complain about rising assessments at budget town hall
Mason District residents complained about soaring real estate assessments at Mason Supervisor Penny Gross’ Budget Town Hall on March 9. While the county’s budget proposal for FY 2024 says the average property tax bill would increase by about $520 from last year, some Mason residents are seeing an increase of $1,000 or more. Real estate … Continued

Supervisor Gross will not seek re-election
Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross will not run for re-election in 2023, she announced at the Board of Supervisors meeting Dec. 6. Gross, the longest-serving member of the board was first elected in 1995 and has been vice chair since 2009. Gross didn’t give a specific reason for retiring, only indicating that it was time … Continued

Public officials failed to inform public on Justice Park land negotiations
During the past few months, advocates for Justice Park repeatedly sought answers about the plans by the Park Authority to give a portion of land to the school system for a parking lot. During that time, public officials never mentioned their discussions on a leasing arrangement or a land deal involving a recreation center in … Continued

Residents air concerns on taxes at Mason District Budget Town Hall
The Fairfax County Government Center The biggest issue Mason District residents brought to the virtual Town Hall meeting March 15 hosted by Supervisor Penny Gross is the increase in real estate assessments. The advertised budget for fiscal year 2022, approved by the Board of Supervisors March 9, would maintain the current tax rate of $1.15 … Continued

Residents of Crestwood Manor in Annandale demand action
Vehicles crowding Jayhawk Street. [Aaron Kelly] The following is an open letter from Aaron Kelly, representing the Crestwood Manor neighborhood in Annandale, protesting the lack of action by public officials to address complaints about problems in the neighborhood, including crime, speeding, and vehicles parked by non-residents. An Open Letter We, as residents of Crestwood Manor … Continued

Gross and Aiken make their case at a candidate forum
Gary Aiken and Penny Gross. Mason District Supervisor Penny Gross stressed her experience and accomplishments at a candidate forum Sept. 3, while Republican challenger, Gary Aiken, focused on high taxes and more oversight. The forum, hosted by the local chapter of the National Active and Retired Federal Employees Association, also featured candidates for Braddock Supervisor; … Continued

Gross launches re-election campaign
Some of the elected officials and candidates at Penny Gross’ campaign launch (from the left): Board Chair Sharon Bulova, commonwealth’s attorney candidate Steve Descano, Mason District school board candidate Ricardy Anderson, Penny Gross, Del. Marcus Simon, at-large school board candidate Karen Keys-Gamarra, Lee District Supervisor and candidate for board chair Jeff McKay, and state Sen. … Continued

A student and business leader selected as Mason District ‘Lord and Lady Fairfax’
Victor Nguyen This year’s Mason District “Lord and Lady Fairfax” are Victor Nguyen, a student at Annandale High School, and Elizabeth “Libby” Novak, a former member of the Fairfax County Small Business Commission, Mason Supervisor Penny Gross announced May 16 in her “A Penny for your Thoughts” column in the Falls Church News Press. Every … Continued

Gross, Aiken clash on redevelopment issues at candidate forum
From the left: Del. Kaye Kory, Sen. Dick Saslaw, Gary Aiken, Jessica Swanson, Supervisor Penny Gross, Andres Jimenez, and Ricardy Anderson. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross and her Republican challenger, Gary Aiken, clashed over how to revitalize aging commercial centers, the East County Office Building, and Bailey’s Upper Elementary School at a candidate forum March 18 … Continued

Penny Gross is running for re-election
Penny Gross speaks to residents at the annual Mason District Holiday Town Gathering. Mason Supervisor Penny Gross will run for re-election to the Board of Supervisors in 2019, she announced at her Holiday Town Gathering Dec. 10. “I love my job. I really do. I consider Mason District my family,” Gross told the audience of … Continued

Mini-roundabout would improve traffic flow on Ravensworth Road
Ravensworth Road at Jayhawk Street. A temporary mini-roundabout to be installed this summer at the intersection of Ravensworth Road and Jayhawk Street/Fountainhead Drive in Annandale is supposed to improve traffic flow and pedestrian safety and deter speeding. After learning about the roundabout project at a meeting June 5, most residents seemed to think it might … Continued

Plans dropped for townhouse project on Gallows Road
This wooded stretch along Gallows Road will remain as is for the time being. The proposal for a 66-unit townhouse project on a wooded 9.5-acre property on Gallows Road is not going forward. A report by staff from the Fairfax County Department of Planning and Zoning recommends against an amendment to the county’s Comprehensive Plan … Continued

Local residents raise concerns about townhouse proposal for Gallows Road
This wooded area in Annandale, seen from Libeau Lane, could be the site of a new townhouse development. People who live near a proposed townhouse development on Gallows Road in Annandale raised concerns about traffic congestion, school capacity, parking, and quality of life at a community meeting April 17. The Christopher Companies, a real estate … Continued