Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Santa’s Ride brings joy to children spending holidays in the hospital

Sorry, reindeer; Santa’s going to be riding a Harley this year. At least that’s his mode of transportation next Tuesday, Dec. 10, for “Santa’s Ride,” an annual charity event in which police officers escort Santa on a countywide tour on motorcycles, SUVs, and police cruisers to collect donated toys for hospitalized children. The group will … Continued

Toy drive supports needy students at Bailey’s Elementary School

Every year, the Bailey’s Elementary School community provides toys and grocery gift cards to the neediest students before the winter break. In the past, Bailey’s has been fortunate to receive donations from the Toys for Tots program, but that organization stopped helping Bailey’s last year, so the school is reaching out to the surrounding community, … Continued

Sponsors sought to help needy families during the holidays

A child receives a gift from an Our Daily Bread holiday program sponsor. [Photo from ODB.] Our Daily Bread (ODB), a nonprofit based in Fairfax, is seeking individuals, community groups, and businesses to sponsor needy families for Thanksgiving and the December holidays. Sponsors provide a holiday meal and gifts for family members under 18. If … Continued

Halloween in Annandale

Holborn Avenue Bent Branch Avenue Medford Drive Duncan Drive The pumpkin patch at Friendship United Methodist Church on Gallows Road Sleepy Hollow Road Terrace Drive Murray Lane Bent Branch Road Fern Lane