Tag: immigrants

Virginia General Assembly poised to enact bills on guns, immigrants, taxes and much more
The Virginia State Capitol in Richmond. The Virginia General Assembly is considering legislation on guns, voting, criminal justice, immigrants, and other major issues. After “crossover day,” on Feb. 11, all the bills passed by the House of Delegates are sent to the Senate and vice versa. The two chambers then delve deeper into the details … Continued

General Assembly considers drivers’ licenses for undocumented residents
From the left: Lenka Mendoza-Larco; Jonathan Cano of the Centreville Immigration Forum; Emma Violand-Sanchez, founder of the Dream Project; Dream beneficiary Danna Chavez-Calvi; Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg; and Andres Tobar, executive director of the Shirlington Employment and Education Center. Now that Democrats control the Virginia General Assembly, advocates for immigrants’ right are hopeful that a law will … Continued

Fewer immigrants applying for childcare
Story time at the CDC. Fewer immigrant families are enrolling their children in the Child Development Center (CDC) operated by the Annandale Christian Community for Action (ACCA) as a result of the climate of fear created by the Trump Administration’s anti-immigrant policies. In addition to the high-profile ICE raids and stepped-up deportation actions, the Administration’s … Continued

Five Justice HS students awarded scholarships from the Hispanic Learning Alliance
The Justice High School scholarship winners with school board member Sandy Evans and Justice teacher Eric Welch. From the left; Shirle Hinojosa-Ferrufino, Stefany Villanueva La Torre, Bibiana Mirones, Evans, Welch, Jennifer Giron, and Tiffany Collins. Five seniors at Justice High School were among the 20 high-achieving, highly motivated, and inspiring Latinx students awarded college scholarships … Continued
Report documents economic impact of immigrants
Think immigrants are a drain on the local economy? A report released by the City of Alexandria Aug. 17 paints a different picture. Based on their income, the report states, immigrants living in Alexandria contributed $262.4 million in federal taxes and $102.2 million in state and local taxes in 2016. Immigrants in Alexandria contributed $150 … Continued

Just Neighbors advises new residents on immigration issues
An immigrant counseling session. [Just Neighbors] Just Neighbors, a nonprofit organization that provides legal services to immigrants, wants the public to understand its work and the immigrant populations who live in our community. Just Neighbors relocated from Bailey’s Crossroads to 7630 Little River Turnpike in Annandale last October. The group’s offices had been in the … Continued

Edu-Futuro works with Latino families to strengthen relationships
Youths in an Edu-Futuro program write down their dreams and goals. Edu-Futuro obscured their faces to protect their identity. A new program in Annandale is aimed at improving communication among Latino parents and their children. Strengthening Families is presented in Spanish by an organization based in Arlington called Edu-Futuro. Classes for parents and youths age … Continued

Immigrant advocates urge county officials to address ‘crisis of deportations’
Immigrant advocates, from the left, Simon Sandoval-Moshenberg of the Legal Aid Justice Center, and Sookyung Oh and Jung Bin Cho of the National Korean American Service & Education Consortium. The recent decision by Fairfax County Sherriff Stacey Kincaid to stop holding people in jail beyond their release times so U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement officials … Continued