Tag: Koreans

Meeting on Little River name change postponed to Feb. 19
The next community meeting on the proposal to give Little River Turnpike an honorary name, originally scheduled for Feb. 5, has been postponed to Feb. 19, 6 p.m. The meeting is being delayed “to ensure more time for outreach and engagement,” states an email from Olivia Logan, a staff member in Supervisor Andres Jimenez’ office. … Continued

Sen. Warner meets with the Korean community
In a meeting with the Korean community in Annandale April 22, Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) spoke about issues ranging from the need to support local businesses to the reunification of Korea. Warner said he supports initiatives to help small businesses gain access to capital, increased investments in education and affordable housing, and efforts to crack … Continued

Work underway on new Korean Community Center in Annandale
The Korean Community Center will be located here. Renovations started last week on a Korean Community Center in Annandale, and the project is expected to be completed in early 2021, says Steve Lee, president of the Korean American Association of the Washington Metropolitan Area. The center is located in an office building at 6601 Little … Continued

Annandale Statue of Peace honors Korean ‘comfort women’
Annandale has a new statue memorializing the “comfort women,” a euphemism for the Korean women forcibly taken by the Japanese military to serve as sex slaves during World War II. The “Statue of Peace,” featuring a seated girl next to an empty chair, was installed at 7601 Little River Turnpike in front of the … Continued

Fundraising campaign under way to purchase building for Korean community center
The Korean Community Center Organizing Committee launched a fundraising effort at the Fairfax County Government Center in November 2014. After a search of more than five years, members of the Korean community have found a suitable building for a community center and are engaged in an urgent fundraising effort so they can purchase it. The … Continued

Korean organizations help immigrants attain citizenship
Volunteers help immigrants fill out the naturalization form. A coalition of Korean organizations helped dozens of people apply for naturalization at a free citizenship clinic at the Westminster School in Annandale June 18. More than 50 people, not all of them Koreans, had signed up in advance for the event hosted by the New Americans … Continued
Gross plans meeting on suicide prevention
Mason Supervisor Penny Gross is planning to host a meeting for the Korean-American community on juvenile suicide, citing growing concerns among parents. The meeting, to be conducted in collaboration with the Fairfax County Police Department and Region 2 of Fairfax County Public Schools, will focus on helping youths develop resilience and coping skills and … Continued

New group will represent Korean businesses in Annandale
Lunch at the Honey Pig. The Korean BBQ restaurant is a member of the Korean-American Chamber of Commerce of Virginia and will also participate in the Taste of Annandale. A newly formed chamber of commerce is representing Korean businesses in Annandale. The group’s first major activity is co-hosting the Taste of Annandale, a community celebration … Continued

Dogs rescued from Korean dog meat farm arrive in Alexandria
Snowball is one of the lucky dogs rescued from a dog farm and is now safe at the Alexandria Animal Shelter. Sixteen dogs held captive on a dog meat farm in South Korea and headed for the dinner plate were rescued by the Humane Society International (HSI) and arrived at the Alexandria Animal Shelter last … Continued

Fundraising campaign launched for Korean Community Center
Members of the local Korean community and Fairfax County government officials came together for a gala celebration Nov. 8 at the Fairfax County Government Center to kick off a fundraising effort for a Korean Community Center. The Korean Community Center Organizing Committee (KCCOC) sees the center as a place for people of all ages and … Continued

Korean cultural heritage celebrated in Annandale
Hundreds of people converged on Ossian Hall Park in Annandale Aug. 9 for Korean Cultural Heritage Night, featuring music, dance, drumming, a martial arts demonstration, and food. It was also an early celebration of Korean Independence Day on Aug. 15, which commemorates Korea’s liberation from Japanese rule. The International New Praise Academy youth orchestra, based … Continued

Changing an Asian sea’s name is big issue for Virginia’s Korean community
Sen. Dave Marsden (left) meets with chairman of the Korean Federation of Industries during a trip in August sponsored by the Korean government. Sen. Dave Marsden (D-37th District) has been leading efforts in the Virginia legislature to ensure that textbooks used in the state’s public schools reflect Koreans’ preference to refer to the “East Sea,” … Continued

‘Doumi girl’ operator sentenced for harboring illegals
The owner of an Annandale-based escort business was sentenced to two years and nine months in federal prison July 26 for harboring illegals, the Washington Post reported. Youn Sok Chang, 41, operated a “doumi” business under the names “Da Bong,” “Romance,” or “Coco,” that provided “an attractive and provocatively dressed woman” to join customers at … Continued
Korean community center task force has challenging agenda
Plans to establish a Korean community center in Fairfax County are proceeding despite conflicts over leadership within the task force set up to organize the project. The task force members include representatives of several Korean social service and business organizations. William Hwang, former president of the Korean American Association of Virginia, is serving as … Continued
Work group clarifies vision for Korean community center
A working group made up of representatives from the Korean community, many of them with ties to Annandale, is making progress in formalizing their objectives for developing a Korean community center. William Hwang was selected as the coordinator of the Korean Community Center Work Group. Hwang is president and CEO of Young Won Trading Inc., … Continued