Tag: parents
Public invited to Monopoly Tournament at Annandale High School
Come show off your Monopoly skills at a tournament hosted by the Annandale High School Parent Teacher Association. The Monopoly Tournament is Saturday, Nov. 13, 9 a.m.-5 p.m. at Clausen Hall in Annandale High School. Everyone is invited. Register here.

School news: FCPS guidance for a virtual school start
Annandale HS staff members are ready to help students register for classes. [FCPS] Fairfax County Public Schools Superintendent Scott Brabrand has issued some additional guidance on the new school year, which starts virtually on Sept. 8. Attendance – Teachers will take attendance. Parents are expected to call or email the school if their student is unable … Continued
Dads invited to free parenting group
The Fairfax County Department of Family Services invites fathers to join a free Dads Parenting Group to meet on Wednesdays, 6-8:30 p.m., Sept. 11-Dec. 11, at Westlawn Elementary School in Falls Church. The program will cover fathering skills, parenting skills, relationship skills, self awareness, and characteristics of a 24/7 Dad™. Meals are included. When fathers are … Continued

Parents set up food pantry at Annandale HS
The Annandale High School PTSA has started a food pantry at the school to serve students at risk of going hungry. “With nearly 60 percent of our kids at AHS participating in the free or reduced-price lunch program, we were concerned about them over the long winter break” says PTSA member Chase Chichester. As a … Continued

Sleepy Hollow Preschool: a happy, playful place
Children at Sleepy Hollow Preschool spend a lot of time outdoors. Sleepy Hollow Preschool, now its 69th year, invites parents to an open house on Aug. 7 to see how its learning-through-play approach produces happy, resilient children. The open house will be at the preschool’s location in leased space at John Calvin Presbyterian Church, 6531 … Continued

Parents concerned about leadership changes at Mason Crest Elementary School
Mason Crest Mason Crest Elementary School has developed a great reputation under its much-lauded principal Brian Butler and assistant principals Diane Kerr and Sherry Shin. But now that Butler and Kerr are leaving, parents are concerned that the school’s quality could decline if a new leadership team isn’t committed to the school’s Professional Learning Community … Continued

Hoop it Up! Night brings Glasgow community together
The 18th annual Hoop it Up! Night at Glasgow Middle School April 15 was a big success, reports PTA President Tara Rethore. More than 100 students, faculty, staff members, and parent volunteers participated, while nearly 400 spectators filled the bleachers. The Panther Groove livens things up. Student teams at each grade level competed against the … Continued

Mothers of U.S. citizens push for expanded rights for immigrants
Dreamers Mothers in Action and other immigrant advocates at the Supreme Court. “I would no longer be scared of being separated from my family and I could get a better job,” says Lenka Mendoza of Dumfries, one of many local residents who took part in a demonstration on the steps of the Supreme Court April … Continued

‘Mulch madness’ supports graduating seniors
The PTSAs at all three high schools in the Annandale/Mason area are selling mulch to support all-night graduation celebrations for the Class of 2016. These parties provide a fun, safe, alcohol-free environment for seniors on graduation night. The Stuart High School PTSA is selling mulch for $5.50 per bag. Orders must be placed by midnight … Continued

New principal sought for Bailey’s Lower Elementary School
The lower campus of Bailey’s Elementary. Fairfax County Public Schools plans to hire a new principal for the original Bailey’s Elementary School, which serves prekindergarten through grade 2. Parents are invited to a meeting on the principal selection process March 7, 7 p.m., at Bailey’s Lower. Marie Lemmon will continue as principal of Bailey’s Upper … Continued

New school schedules will have impact on commuter traffic
Watch out for school buses and students Tuesday morning. You might want to leave for work extra early Tuesday morning, the first day of the school year, as traffic is likely to be worse for commuters due to a new bell schedule for Fairfax County schools. Parents can expect some glitches, too, as everyone adjusts … Continued

Neighborhood comes together to raise funds for new playground
This old playground will be replaced. The Olde Forge and Surrey Square neighborhoods in Fairfax are getting a new playground, thanks a grant from Fairfax County, donations from local businesses, and a huge amount of work by local residents. The design for the new playground. When Olde Forge resident Joanne Elder’s son was a toddler … Continued

Annandale students ready for school, thanks to huge Resource Fair
Annandale Terrace Principal Andrea Garris (left) and her staff meet a student. It’s still summer break, but Annandale High School was filled with children Aug. 13 for the second annual Back-to-School Annandale Pyramid Resource Fair. According to organizers, at least 4,000 people came. There were free school supplies from Kits for Kidz, clothing from the … Continued

Stuart HS community unhappy with school’s leadership
Stuart High School There is growing concern among parents and community members about what they see as inadequate leadership and declining morale at JEB Stuart High School—along with frustration that neither Stuart Principal Prosperanta Calhoun nor the FCPS leadership have satisfactorily responded to the complaints. The school got low rankings compared to other Fairfax County … Continued
Support group for parents formed
All local parents of school-age children are invited to join Parents Helping Parents, a free support group that meets once a month at Poe Middle School in Annandale. The next meeting is June 17 at 7 p.m. There will be babysitting, translators, and light refreshments. Enter at door 2. The group was started a couple … Continued