Covering Annandale, Bailey's Crossroads, Lincolnia, and Seven Corners in Fairfax County, Virginia

Mary Read Memorial relocated

The Mary Read Memorial in Canterbury Woods Park in Annandale has been relocated, Braddock District Supervisor James Walkinshaw announced. The memorial honors former Annandale resident Mary Read, one of 32 people killed during the massacre at Virginia Tech on April 16, 2007. The community came together in the years following the tragedy to build a … Continued

Americana Park to get new baseball backstop

Updated March 5: The Fairfax County Park Authority Board‘s Park Operations Committee approved a $17,189 Mastenbrook Volunteer Matching Fund Grant to the Annandale-North Springfield Little League (ANSLL) for a new backstop at the baseball field at Americana Park in Annandale. The proposal goes to the full board on March 9. The existing backstop needs to … Continued

Nature center to close temporarily

The Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale will be closed Feb. 14-June 10, but outdoor programming will continue, the Fairfax County Park Authority reports. The nature center, at 7701 Royce St., is undergoing a $1.6 million renovation and expansion. The project, funded with a 2016 park bond, includes an additional classroom, kitchen area, and interpretive … Continued

The Annandale Greenway gets a green light

By James Albright Much has happened since my last post on the proposed Annandale Greenway, the four-mile “braided” trail that winds its way through Northern Virginia’s most intriguing community. As I described it last year, the trail crosses Annandale just to the north of Little River Turnpike, providing an alternative east-west passage that accesses six … Continued