Tag: parks

Survey seeks input on parking lot in Justice Park – even though that proposal dead
Justice Park with Justice High School in the background. A survey from Mason school board member Ricardy Anderson revisits the controversy over whether a parking lot should be created in Justice Park to accommodate a forthcoming addition for Justice High School – even though Fairfax County Public Schools and the Park Authority both rejected the parking lot … Continued

Community feedback sought on Audrey Moore Rec Center
The Fairfax County Park Authority has put out a survey seeking community feedback on how people use the Audrey Moore Rec Center and what new features and improvements they want. Access the survey here.

Volunteers and organizations recognized for supporting parks
Volunteers with Friends of Accotink Creek collect litter from the stream. [FACC] The Fairfax County Park Authority has honored the Friends of Accotink Creek (FACC) with an Elly Doyle Park Service Award. FACC volunteers protect the watershed by removing trash, replacing invasive plants with native species, monitoring wildlife populations, and educating the public about preserving … Continued

School board member seeks feedback on Justice HS addition
A rendering of the Justice High School addition. [FCPS] School board member Ricardy Anderson (Mason) plans to put out a survey on Monday, Nov. 22, on Fairfax County Public Schools’ plan for the Justice High School addition project. Anderson announced the forthcoming survey in a Nov. 19 newsletter, which is sent to people who subscribe … Continued
Rabid raccoon found at Luria Park
A rabid raccoon who has been chasing people and pets in Luria Park has been confirmed to have rabies, the Fairfax County Health Department reported Oct. 27. Anyone who has been in contact with the animal – or whose pet might have been exposed to rabies – should contact the Health Department Rabies Program at 703-246-6004.

Fairfax County removes flood-prone Annandale properties from land auction
The properties are all wooded and mostly in a floodplain. The seven tax-delinquent properties next to Accotink Creek in Annandale are no longer up for auction. The owner of the properties, the Al Root Memorial Foundation, hadn’t paid taxes in years, so the county had planned to sell them by auction in November.

Community members explore the future Annandale Greenway
Loki leads the way as participants in the Annandale Greenway Inaugural Walk leave Green Spring Gardens and head toward Braddock Road. About 30 people went on the Annandale Greenway Inaugural Walk Oct. 24, a four-mile trek along existing trails and sidewalks between Green Spring Gardens and Annandale Community Park. The Annandale Greenway Alliance, an informal … Continued

Conservation group wants to prevent development of vacant Annandale properties
The Annandale properties up for auction are outlined in yellow. Fairfax County has put seven adjoining properties totaling 6.7 acres in Mason District up for auction. The land is adjacent to Accotink Creek, and the Northern Virginia Conservation Trust (NVCT) is scrambling to acquire the land so it can’t be developed. The seven parcels are … Continued

FCPS to seek rezoning and parking waiver for Justice HS
An illustration of the Justice High School addition. Fairfax County Public Schools has a new plan to construct a badly needed addition for Justice High School without using Justice Park for parking. Instead, FCPS would go through a rezoning process and would seek a waiver of Fairfax County’s parking requirement, said John McGranahan Jr., an … Continued

Explore a Park: Eakin Community Park was the first park in Fairfax County
Springtime wildflowers along the trail in Eakin Park. This article is part of our series on parks in the Annandale/Mason District area. The last piece explored Spring Lane Park in Bailey’s Crossroads. See other stories in the series on the Parks page. The 57-acre Eakin Community Park, located at 8515 Tobin Road in Annandale, was … Continued

Justice Park advocates blamed for potential delay of Justice High School addition
Playtime in Justice Park. Retaining all of Justice Park for recreational uses shouldn’t have a negative impact on the construction of an addition to Justice High School, park advocates say. The community deserves both – an intact park and an expanded school. Now that both Fairfax County Public Schools and the Park Authority have officially stated they … Continued

FCPS will not use Justice Park for parking
Community members gather on the spot in Justice Park where the parking lot was proposed for a presentation Sept. 18 on the Black families displaced when the park was created. In a huge victory for community members, Fairfax County Public Schools has backed away from creating a parking lot in Justice Park to accommodate the … Continued

Construction underway on Hidden Oaks expansion project
Construction is underway on an expansion and renovation project at Hidden Oaks Nature Center in Annandale. The $1.2 million project includes 2,000 square feet for new offices and a new multipurpose room, accessible restrooms, an additional exhibition area, and improved stroller parking.

Fairfax County forced Black families to vacate land for Justice Park
Edwin Henderson (right) at Justice Park. On the left is Spanish translator Fernando Ferrufino. Long before Justice High School and Justice Park were built on Peace Valley Lane in Seven Corners, the land was owned by a handful of Black families. The community learned about that “hidden history” at an event at Justice Park Sept. … Continued
Park Foundation honors Valis family for contribution to Pinecrest Golf Center
Angela and Wayne Valis (on the right) with other family members at the unveiling of the TrackMan 4 Golf Simulator at the Pinecrest Golf Center. The Fairfax County Park Foundation has named the Valis family of Bailey’s Crossroads as one of three winners of this year’s Eakin Philanthropy Awards. Wayne and Angela Valis are being … Continued